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#0197: Willa Cather to M. A. De Wolfe Howe, June 10, 1911

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Dear Mr. Howe1:

I read the manuscript over yesterday with the greatest interest; there are certainly parts of it which might well go toward the making of the kind of article we are looking for, but they are so scattered that I do not see exactly how they could be bound together. We use so few biographical articles that there has to be a very special reason for accepting one. I think I could almost generalize, and say that we never do anything with biography except when it is the biography of a public man. Personally I greatly enjoyed reading this study, and I most heartily thank you for giving me a chance at it.

I was sorry to have to run away and leave you, yesterday but Mr. Mackenzie4, the business manager, was leaving town2 for some days and I had to catch him and worry a decision out of him before he caught his train. Please let me know if you are in town again this summer. I should so like if we could arrange a comfortable hour chat.

With cordial regards to Mrs. Howell5 and yourself, I am

Faithfully Willa Sibert Cather Mr. M. DeWolfe Howe care The Youth's Companion6 Boston7, Mass.