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#0247: Willa Cather to Zoë Akins, November 27 [1913]

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Dear Z. A.1

Your letter has followed me about and has at last found me. The one act piece seems to me good fun, really amusing and shrewd. But, as I've told you, I know very little about plays. The sonnets seem good "literary verse" but as you know I don't care much for that kind. Poems about artistic achievements seem to me unnecessary—all except Alfred de Musset4's Ode—no Stanzas to Malibran5. There is so much verse about artistic impressions now a days. At it's best it seems to me poetry-once-removed. And usually it's just plain wood.

Now in "Omens"6 you get somewhere and start from somewhere. It has a ring in it, a tune of its own, says more than the words say. In short, it seems to me real poetry and very individual. That is the sort of thing I like to read. And "Rain, Rain!"7 is just as good. It's a splendid bit. They both arrive[?] arrive, come across. I don't think the two sonnets stand a ghost of a chance beside these two lyrics. There's a fine wild out-of-door flavor about the latter, and I congratulate you.

I was in New York8 for part of October doing an article9 for McClure's10 on the new plays. Now I am working hard in Pittsburgh2 and hope not to go back to Bank street11 until January 1st. I shall see you there before the winter is over, I hope. I'm sorry you had to give up your lovely home. Mr. B Johnson12 is still abroad. I'll be glad to meet Mr. Untermeyer13 sometime when you are in New York. A thousand good wishes, and don't forget to send me the review you spoke of.

Faithfully W. S. C.