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#0265: Willa Cather to Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant, September 22 [1913]

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⬩W⬩S⬩C⬩ Dear Elsie1:

It’s been a great success after all; glorious from the moment we took our plunge into the mountains. Five days of steady rain and I walked not less than six miles on any one of them. These woods are particularly fine in the rain. We5 go back to Pittsburgh6 on Sept 25th, alas. There is really nowhere here to stay after that. I’m sure now that I can’t join you in the country, though perhaps I can get up to spend a few days with you. There are weddings7 and all sort of things to break up my schedule. The Opera Singer article8 is was finished before I left Pittsburgh, but I’ve got to fall to work on next week. Fremstad9 writes me from Munich10 that she arrives this week and goes up to her camp for several weeks and that she would like to have me stay with her there. Such a terrifying proposition I absolutely pass up! In the safe paths of civilization I’m not afraid of her, but I decline to risk her uncertain temper in the Wilds of Maine11. I also decline to take the risk of boring her—for after all the only thing she really cares about is music. Her letter reached me here in the mountains and quite stunned me. She begins “I am sailing for home, (i.e. America12) on the 17th” etc. I love that i.e.! How can anyone be so consistent?

Thank you very much for writing me about what the Flexners13 said of “Alexandra”14. I am greatly interested and pleased. What’s the matter with “globules”15? I could not say drop because a drop may be flat, or pear-shaped, whereas a globule means to me something round and firm, and that’s the way the dew is on the short grass. The English notices are a perfect delight, every one of them.

We have had nine wonderful days here, and there are still two more.

Yours Willa S. C.
Miss Elizabeth Sergeant1 Chocorua3 New Hampshire [missing] VA.4 1913