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#0284: Willa Cather to Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant, [June 23, 1914]

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1180 Murray Hill Avenue4 My Dear Elsie1:

I went to wildest Maine5 June 7th and got home only yesterday. My letters awaited me here, so you had no word formfromme. As I went direct to Portland6 via New York7, I didn’t go near you. I had a glorious time with Fremstad8 and when I left her dropped down in Mary Jewett’s9 garden10 for a few days to recover and get rested. While I was in Fremstad’s camp11 we did things every mortal minute except when we were asleep, and even then I dreamed hard. She fished as if she had no other means of getting food; cleaned all the fish, swam like a walrus, rowed, tramped, cooked, watered her garden. I was not much more than an audience—very little help, but it was the grandest show of human vigor and grace I’ve ever watched. I feel as if I’d lived for a long while with the wife of the Dying Gladiator in her husky husky prime, in deep German forests.

1180 Murray Hill Avenue

I think Thornton Oakley12 is a really big man. He once did some wonderful things of Pittsburgh2 and the mills. He’s never commonplace. An illustrated book on Provence13 would have more “drive” in the market of a motor-mad world, than a book of essays; surely. And Scribners are the best people to handle such a book. I should think you could have an absolute unity of treatment throughout the book, and at the end insert several historical studies for such as cared would care for them,—among whom I am one.

The new review14 sounds promising. I wish we had something of that sort.

I am struggling to clear my desk and cannot more than salute you now. I shall be starting for the west soon, I fancy. I stayed in Maine longer than I meant to and now must begin to move rapidly. Miss McClung15 sends her greetings. She will probably go to Italy16 when I go to Wyoming17. I’ll let you know when I go and where. I’ve got to have a run out there before I do much more work.

In haste, yours W.
Miss Elizabeth Sergeant1 4 Hawthorn Road Brookline3 Mass. PITTSBURGH, PA2 JUN 23 1914 5-PM