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#0288: Willa Cather to Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant, [November 13, 1914]

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⬩W⬩S⬩C⬩ Dear Elsie1:

Merely a salute to tell you that I’m sorry I shall not see you in New York4. I was there in October and hope not to go again until I go to stay, January 1st. I shall one day answer your letter, which told me so many things I wanted to know. Just now I have several sick friends here who take a good deal of my time, and Jack6 keeps cropping out in unexpected new places. I am trying to teach him just a little English grammar, enough to get about on. He mis-pronounces every English word that he uses. The Nebraska7 farm speech in a slightly inflected grunt. He does take time.

Your account of the Greenslets8 makes my head go round. I think Woman should be kept in subjection. Of course I never imagined F. G. would use any letter of mine.

I had a jolly time with Fremstad9 when she gave her concert10 here Oct 26. She was so nice to Jack when he told her that she was the first “opera singer” he had ever heard.

I do hope you will find a comfortable place in New York to live in. I wish I knew a spot to recommend, but I don’t. Might there be anything where the Hoyts11 used to live?

Flanhant12 is just back. She writes me that her brothers and sisters are starving in Brussels13 and that her country is destroyed.

N. Y. is glorious now—I know you’ll have a good time. Please greet the Stocktons14 for me.

Hastily W. S. C.
Miss Elizabeth Sergeant1 With Mrs. Stockton3 159 East 63dSt. New York4 PITTSBURGH, PA.2 NOV 13 1914 5 PM