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#0383: Willa Cather to Roger L. Scaife, March 13 [1917]

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To Ms[illegible] Dear Mr. Scaife1;

Since you can give me such good lee-way3, I think I ought to be able to get the story4 done in time for fall publication. I can get you some sort of prospectus done when you need it, and, if you think best give you the first few chapters in time to have them set for your July program.

Unless I can find just the right person to do some head5 and tailpieces6, I had rather not have illustrations. As for the cover design, I rather wish you could reproduce the "Song of the Lark"7 cover8 in a darker blue, a strong navy blue, with, of course, quite a different jacket. I wish you could have a bright yellow jacket, with very heavy black type, if that paper would not be too expensive. However, we can take up these things later. For the present I will push ahead with the manuscript, and I shall try to give you some more definite idea of its length and character very soon---- by the middle of April.

Faithfully yours Willa Cather RLS