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#0415: Willa Cather to Zoë Akins, May 4 [1915]

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Dear Zoe1;

Aren't you always breaking out in a new place, though? I do think play-producing is a good spot to break out in. If one feels a call to write plays, it seems to me about the livest r form of writing going, and this experiment ought to help you a lot in the getting inside of the part of plays that can't be written-- the most important part of really good plays, it has always seemed to me.

I've sent for the Smart Set3. I'm of course flattered that you took my suggestion about re-setting the story4.

I zive live only to see you will do with the Spoon River poet5 in your anthology6. (God help us, aren't most of them Spoon River Poets, and don't they belong in the "Spoon River Anthology7??) I see this gent. says that though one of his poems was "inspired by hearing a lady play Beethoven8's Fifth symphony9" (Ugh, what awful English he writes! Common----) his "Chief inspiration was in the Waitresses Union.)" Any comment needed?

Oh, Zoe, they do make me ill; vomiting and vomiting about h things that have all been done and said; have all been, in one noble line, nobly admitted and nobly passed. As little Pardaic Colum10 says; "they have most uv um dirthy minds, they have."

Good luck and goodbye W.S.C.

Here are some things not in Apl. Twi'ts11. Please return these.

Novel12 done—being set by now.