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#0560: Willa Cather to Irene Miner Weisz, November 10 [1921]

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My Very Dear Irene1;

Didn't you tell me over the telephone that I would finda letter here giving me the amount of the hotel bill you paid for me? It has not come yet; if it got lost, please send me another statement as soon as you can. I want to get my money-debts paid up. There are others I can never pay. Isabelle4 says that when you and Carrie5 go to Paris6 she will try to tell you how much she appreciates all you did for me during our hectic stay in Omaha7.

My two days in Chicago8 were almost as crowded as those in Omaha. After speaking at the College Club9 I went to a dinner given for me by several old University classmates whom I was delighted to see again. Next day Fanny Butcher10 made me go to call upon the heads of all the big book businesses in Chicago--awfully exhausting, but very good policy. Since I reached home I have been in bed most of the time, getting rested, and I now begin to feel more like myself.

Some of the photographs11 taken in Omaha turned out very well indeed. I am going to order a lot, and you shall have several of them. Please send me your new addressso that I can reach you. Please tell Mr. Weisz12 for me that it's a great pity he is not a tenor or a concert pianist, since his wife happens to be a natural concert-manager.

Very lovingly Willie Jennie13

One day this will week I sent you your fur neck piece and insured it for $100 = Be sure & write me upon receipt of it.
