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#0651: Willa Cather to Dorothy Canfield Fisher, [November 28, 1922]

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I've been quite bowed down by various small illnesses so that it was impossible to get to you—I won't even get home4 for Thanksgiving as I had promised. I start West tomorrow and will spend Thanksgiving on the train! But at least I'll be on the way home, and will get there Friday night. A dear old Red Cloud friend5 will meet me in Chicago6 and "convey" me home, so I won't have to bother about anything. Lord, what kind folk there are in this world, and how deep I am in debt to many of them!—No, Mrs. Fields7 was more wonderful than I said8. Sometime I must tell you about that lovely chapter of my life.—Claude9, you'll be glad to know, has sold over thirty thousand and is still going on steadily. Much better than I hoped for.

My love to you and yours. Willa