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#0671: Willa Cather to Irene Miner Weisz, [February 11, 1923]

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Thirty-first Street by Fifth Avenue
New York2
The Wolcott Dear Irene1:

This check is not a Valentine! I've just discovered that I never sent you ten dollars I owe you—you remember3 I asked you to charge my bag on your account at Marshall Fields? Well, here is the check, that should have been sent long ago.

I am dining here4 tonight, though I still live at Five Bank Street5. Josephine6 has been in bed with inflammatory rheumatism for eight days, and our apartment has been at the mercy of little 'nigs' who run in and clean. It has knocked my work at to pieces.

The Knopfs7 were to have sailed yesterday, but they have both been ill with influenza—he really very ill—and can't go until next Saturday.

Please, Irene, send me the rule for that wonderful Charlotte Russe you had. I think I know how to make the ice, but the filling was a mystery to me.—My cold is ever so much better than it was a week ago, but the weather has been awfully nasty, and so I still have a cough. I often wish for your quiet, sunny apartment and its wonderful outlook on the Lake and sky. I hope you'll let me come again sometime, when I haven't the most disgusting cold of my life!

With my warmest love to you Willie

Isn't it fine Helen Louise8 has a brother9?

Mrs. C. W. Weisz1 818 Lafayette Parkway Chicago10 Ill. NEW YORK, N.Y. STA. C2 Feb 12 1923 7-PM The Wolcott THIRTY FIRST STREET BY FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK2