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#0760: Willa Cather to Irene Miner Weisz, [December 17, 1924]

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Dearest Irene1

I think you are in Red Cloud4! But if you are in Chicago3, can I spend Sunday afternoon with you? I will arrive LaSalle St. station on Sunday, the 21st, at one oclock p.m. and will go out on the Burlington at six the same afternoon. If I don't get a telegram from you by Saturday morning, I'll know you are not at home and I'll wire Edith Abbott5 to meet me.

Dear Irene, the book-ends6 are the greatest pleasure. They are on the table that holds books I'm really reading, and I like them better every day.

Lovingly Willa
Mrs. C. W. Weisz1 818 Lafayette Parkway Chicago3 Ill NEW YORK, N.Y. STA. C2 DEC 17 1924 930 PM Book Ends