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#0831: Willa Cather to Blanche Wolf Knopf, May 21 [1926]

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The Brown Palace Hotel3
Denver, Colo.2

I was awfully disappointed not to see you before I left, but the last few days were hectic. I got an imperative telegram from Father4, telling me that I must stop in Red Cloud5 on my way west, and so I had to change all my reservations at the last minute. I spent two days at home6 and am now on the road to New Mexico7 again. My address will be Gallup N.M.8, as I telegraphed you, for ten days or two weeks. I will The Brown Palace Hotel
Denver, Colo.
FRANK HOART, MANAGER read the proofs of “My Mortal Enemy”9 there and send them back to New York10 promptly. I will write you as soon as I reach Gallup.

Hastily W.

The little photograph you returned by registered mail reached me be before I left New York—thank you for sending it. And please thank Alfred11 for the letter from the Harvey people12.