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#1015: Willa Cather to Carrie Miner Sherwood, July 17 [1930]

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My dear Carrie1;

As I feared3, I won't be in Paris2 when you get here, and it is the greatest disappointment I've had since I came over. The Hambourgs4 will be in Germany5 then, for the Mozart6 Festival, and Edith7 and I will be with old friends8 at St. Cyr sur Mer9, near Marseilles10. It is an engagement we cannot change. (We sail home on September 20th11, via Empress of Scotland, probably.)

Dear Carrie, don't try to see all the Louvre12, confine yourself mostly to the Grand Gallerie of paintings, where all the really best things are, and go more than once to Notre Dame13. The "summer-snow" season is long over, but you will see the cottonwood trees all along the river, they always seem to me a link with my friends at home14. The air was full of cotton for weeks—even I got enough of it!

Dear Carrie and Mary15 and Doctor16, I hope you have had only fortunate adventures everywhere, and that your week in p Paris will be all you wish—I would give a great deal to be able to share it with you. Goodbye, dear friends, and my warmest love to the three of you.

Willa Cather