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#1097: Willa Cather to Carrie Miner Sherwood, February 19 [1932]

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The Grosvenor3
New York2
Dearest Carrie1;

You've not heard from me because a week after I got back I got some queer form of Influenza, with a sore throat, and I simply can't shake it off. I got up to go to Yehudi's4 concert5 and to a late supper party that was given for him after the concert. I got through that night swimmingly, and Yehudi took me out to supper. But since then I've felt weak and foolish in the head—not up to doing anything at all. Of course at this particular time my secretary6 had to go to Bermuda7 for her vacation! Well, I went to a good doctor today, maybe he'll pull me up.

I've had lots of lazy hours to think about the good times I had in Red Cloud8, and those long happy visits you and Mary9 and I had together. They warm my heart, even in memory. Tell Mary the picture she wanted has lain autographed on my desk for a week, but I've no envelope the right size for it. She'll get it in time, however. I really think that difficulty I had with Will Auld10 is what upset me. It cut in on my sleep after I got back here and made me feel rather mournful. He still refuses to give me any information as to whether a renewal of the Topham11 mortgage has been recorded.

With love, dear Carrie Willie