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#1115: Willa Cather to Carrie Miner Sherwood, July 4 [1932]

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New York
Cables: KNOPF NEW YORK Telephones: CIRCLE 7670
My Dear Carrie1;

I don't know if "Two Friends"3 is out yet, but I saw proofs of it before I left New York4 and ever since have wanted to prepare you for the dreadful illustrations. The editor5 gives a western story to some nut6 who has never been west of Hoboken7, and who thinks that all Western men are rough-necks. I hate publishing stories in magazines, anyway, and only do it because they pay8 me very well.

Elsie9 wrote that when she went through Red Cloud10 the home11 yard looked lovely; I wish I could see it. Our little place here2 is l so green and fresh this year, and though it is so primative and has no bath room, we find it very comfortable. I have invited Mary Virginia12 to spend her month's vacation as my guest here. I expect her the middle of July. I shall put her up at the little colony about a quarter of a mile across the pine woods, Where I used to stay before I had a house and where we a still go for our meals. She will have more freedom there than here, and she can run down here when she wishes. There is not much gaiety here, but I hope she will enjoy the beauty of the place.

Please tell Helen Mac13. that I was delighted to get her letter about young Bernard14. I have just unpacked and oiled my typewriter, so you must pardon a messy, oily letter. When you think of it, Carrie, please send me the letter from Borneo15, and that from the nice priest, I sent you some time ago; I am trying to file some of my papers up here.

I do hope you and Mary16 liked "Two Friends", at least that there was nothing in it that struck you as false. It is not meant to be a portrait of the two men17, but a picture of something that they suggested to a child.

With love always Willie