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#1375: Willa Cather to Carrie Miner Sherwood, October 20, 1937

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My dear Carrie1:

I am sending you two copies of a prospectus describing the limited subscription edition3, just so that you will know what I have been busy with this summer and last spring. I hate doing revising of that kind, but Bruce Rogers4, the designer, was so interested that I was ashamed to seem indifferent. Of course such an edition is considered a great compliment by the general publishing world. I am not letting them send announcements of it to my friends, as the price of the set is ridiculous - $124 for the twelve volumes. As pieces of merchandise they are really worth that price, because the rag paper imported from England5 and the beautiful typography, binding, etc., ran into a great deal of money. I am sending you two of these pamphlets because I want you to send one to Irene6 with this letter of explanation, so that she won't think I'm a book agent.

I am sending some letters from Roscoe7 and the twins8, because I don't know anyone who would appreciate the pretty little story they tell more than you and Mary9 and Irene. I never put anybody over on Yehudi10, because he never puts anybody over on me - and because everybody in all countries is snatching at him all the time. bBut when the twins wrote me that they were going to hear his concert in Sacramento11, I just dropped him a line. A reply came from him and his mother12, inviting the poor timid twins to go home13 with Moshe14 and Yehudi from Sacramento and visit them for a week! I had a good alibi for the twins - I wrote Marutha (Mrs. Menuhin) that the twins were busy helping their parents15 get settled and could not visit. I will not put anybody over on people who have such a hard struggle to live their lives and keep out the masses of people who are always struggling to "get at" them. I would not even have asked Yehudi to see them the twins if I had not known they were just the kind of girls he likes; shy and at the same time frank, and they never try for one minute to pretend to know anything they do not know or be anything they are not. You will see from the letters that the little meeting came off just as I hoped it would. When you and Mary have read the three letters, please send them on to Irene. I know she will be amused. They are such dear girls, Carrie, I am very fond of them. Yehudi always finds a charm in artless simple people. He recognizes any kind of vanity or falseness in a flash. He doesn't scorn such people but he just absent mindedly turns away from them.

I have begun a new book16, dear Carrie, which I think will be a pleasant companion for me during the winter.

With a heart full of love to you all, Willie