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#1492: Willa Cather to Josephine Frisbie, September 27, 1940

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⬩W⬩S⬩C⬩ My dear Josephine Frisbie1:

You could not have sent the pictures of the dear Amboy Mill3 to anyone who could have appreciated them more,- I need scarcely tell you that they made me homesick. It is reassuring to know that there are green trees and rushing water still left in Nebraska4. Also, what you tell me about the Red Cloud5 Park gives me courage. From the references to it in the Commercial Advertiser6, I had imagined this park as something quite dreadful,; with ice cream cones and hot dog stands in plenty, but no trees at all. The paper never mentioned anything about the looks of the place, but elaborates on the amount of food that is consumed there.

If you had sent me your father's7 picture without any caption, I would have known it at once. He doesn't look so very different from the days when I went to school with him. I wish they had printed a picture of your mother8, too.! How dearly my own mother9 loved "Lora" when she was a young girl, and ever afterward. I often think my mother's last years might have been happier spent in Red Cloud where she loved so many people, although of course after Father's10 death my brother Douglass11 meant everything to her. Even after she had lost her speech, he enjoyed her society more than that of anyone else in the world. It was not just sympathy or filial affection; it was delight in her companionship. He often came sixty miles over crowded roads to spend an hour with her in the evening. I never saw knew anything like it.

Excuse me for having rambled on thus, but the pictures you sent me wakened old memories. Your letter, with all my personal mail, was held here2 for me until I got back from Canada12, which was only one week ago.

All my good wishes to you, and please remember me to your parents.

Faithfully yours, Willa Cather