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#1706: Willa Cather to Mariel C. Gere, May 1 [1945]

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⬩W⬩S⬩C⬩ My Dear Mariel1;

Your cordial and friendly letter warms my heart. I am not really crazy about class reunions4, but I would love to be with you and Frances5 in the house6 where I have had so many happy times. Moreover, I would like to see again all the members of the committee7. I remember them all very well. But my doctor8 and his consultant both say that I am not well enough to go anywhere this summer. I had reservations forin the City of Mexico9 for June, but I have had to give them up. Ever since I had a gall bladder operation10 three years ago I have had to avoid excitement and keep the soft pedal on “emotions”—even pleasant ones. I always took things rather hard, you may remember, but I had lots of vitality and quickly got back to normal. Since that operation I don’t rebound rebound—I just stay very tired. A class reunion, 3plus the trip to Red Cloud11, which I would have to make and would love to make, would just about do me in, I’m afraid. I still have some dear friends there.

Sometime, when there is no reunion excitement, maybe you will let me slip into Lincoln12 and visit you for a few days. That would be lovely for me. We would be able to recall a great many happy things—and some very funny ones.

This letter, dear Mariel, is confidential. To you as a Committee member, I say only that I am not very well and cannot be in Lincoln on May nineteenth.

Please tell me where you will be this summer. I would like to write you again.

Affectionately Willa