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#1735: Willa Cather to Margaret Livingston Lee Crofts, June 26, 1946

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⬩W⬩S⬩C⬩ My dear Mrs. Crofts1:

I have tried many times to get you by telephone, but always I was either told that you were in the country or I got no answer at all over the telephone, so I judged that nowadays you must be spending a great many pleasant days at your country estate - though I doubt whether you have been using your swimming pool much this year.

You sent me a book about a French settlement in the United States3. My dear lady, if one started out to write the story of every French settlement made along the Mississippi and Ohio, one would have a busy life of it. Several of our big rivers arewere simply dotted with French settlements. You know yourself, as you explain in your note, that nobody can write a book from information, no mattter how tempting the information may be. It isn't a question of how interesting the information is, but how deep it has got under one's skin and how long and persistently it has irritated one after it got there!

With greetings and good wishes to you, Willa Cather