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#1843: Willa Cather to Carroll Wilson, March 18, 1926

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⬩W⬩S⬩C⬩ My dear Mr. Wilson1:

Since my return your letter of inquiry has been brought to my attention. I do not wish to be ungracious, but the subject is really one upon which I do not care to make a statement. The idea that Georgine Milmine3 is a myth amuses me very much. She is a very lively and husky person who lives in the western part of this State4, and who collected the great mass of material from which the McClure history5 was written. She did not write much of it herself. That was done mostly in the office by McClures6 editorial staff. I took my turn at it, as did several other persons7. It was not a subject I would have chosen to work upon, or a subject in which I had any particular interest. My interest was a purely editorial one; namely, to arrange the mass of notes and documents in a form that would be clear and effective for serial publication. You can readily understand why I do not wish to have my name connected in any way with a piece of work which was not of my own choosing, and in which I had only a partial responsibility - a responsibility shared with four or five other persons.

If I remember rightly, Mr. Smith8's connection with the magazine did not begin until some time after the publication of this series of articles. His information, therefore, must have been second-hand.

I beg you, dear Mr. Wilson, to consider this confidential. I have been asked this question many times and have always before refused to make any reply whatsoever, but your profession seems to me a guarantee of discretion, and I feel sure you will keep this statement for your personal information and let it go no further. A shaping hand over the form, arrangement, and presentation of the facts in that series of articles, I did have.

Very sincerely yours, Willa Cather