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#1860: Willa Cather to Elsie Cather, July 9 [1932]

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⬩W⬩S⬩C⬩ My Dear Elsie1;

A letter from Roscoe3 comes, several days after yours, telling me about his trip to Washington4. Wasn't it splendid that he had it, and that he got what he went after.! I envy you and Virginia5 your trip through Western Nebraska6, and I do wish I could see the gay twins7.

As Mary Virginia8 said firmly that she was going to Canada9 for her vacation, I have asked her to come here2 as my guest for the several weeks. I shall put her up at the little colony across the pine wood, where We10 used to stay before we had this house, and where we still take our meals. She will find it more lively there than here, and she can run over here when she wishes. I don't know if she will like a this kind of life, but I'm sure she will find the island much lovelier than the place in Nova Scotia11 where she went last year. Nova Scotia always seems rough and grubby to me.

I'm terribly sorry12 about Bess13. If there is anything, of any kind, that I can do, let me know at once. You can at least let me share, or bear, the additional expense you may be put to.

By the way, I think you should have the front porches painted this summer if you wish to preserve them. As to the rest of the house14, Father15 always said once in ten years was enough, and I think he was quite right. Of course the painters will try to persuade you to the contrary. (I would advise you not to let Christie16 get in on the job, Mac.17 will tell you he takes no pains.) I should think Carrie's18 advice about a painter would be good. Be sure the painter sandpapers off the old paint on the banisters. When the job is done, send the painter's bill to me, or have him send it, and I will send you a check at once. You might also send me the bill for the water that has been used on the yard this spring.

I am glad you liked "Two Friends"19. The Companion20 [illegible] version of it was rather rough; the book21 version is better.

Give Bessie my best love, and tell her I know that she will be glad that Virginia is coming to spend her vacation with me, and I know Mother22 would approve. When I asked Virginia I told her that I thought her Grandmother would want me to ask her. The trip up here is expensive, but no more so than hte the fare she had to pay to Nova Scotia last year. Perhaps she won't like loneliness and fog and lighthouses as well as I do, but if she's bored she can run away. They play bridge over at the colony every night, and there are a couple nice boys and a charming English girl there; the rest are rather tiresome.; some, not all. Nice plain people.

Tell Jess23 I was awfully glad to get her letter and will write her soon. Explain to her how I came to ask M.V.

With love to you all Willie