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#1965: Willa Cather to Elsie Cather, [August 25, 1927]

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⬩W⬩S⬩C⬩ My Dear Sister1;

I am so grateful for your letter, which came yesterday. Please tell Father3 that I did not commit the picturesque extravagance of sending my book4 by air mail! I tied my advance copy up and told the Knopfs5 to send it quickly, as I wanted Father to have it to read while he was getting well, and the air mail was their own sumptuous, oriental gesture. The Archbishop

I have given up my passage on the Berengaria6. I don't feel like going so far with Father sick7. I'd be worried all the time. Edith8 has been awfully nice about it. All outr things go into storage on Monday, and after a few days settling up business matters we will probably go West,New Mexico9 and Arizona10. Edith does not want to waste a long vacation sitting in New England11, and we have always to go to Southern Arizona sometime.

The packers come in here12 on Monday. After that we shall be at the Pennsylvania hotel13 until we get our bousiness affairs settled.

But send any mail or telegrams to me in care of Knopf, I attach the address cre below. I am so glad Helen Louise14 didn't have a dismal time in Guide Rock15. I felt terribly remorseful when I learned there was no train back till night,- it seemed like the last stupidity of a generally unsuccessful summer. Well, better luck next time, I will hope.

With love to all, and especially to Father Willa