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#2049: Willa Cather to Stringfellow Barr, December 5, 1928

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The Grosvenor3
New York2
My dear Mr. Barr1:

I get, of course, a great many invitations to lecture, but very few of them are so tempting as the one you wrote some weeks ago when I was in Quebec4. All my letters were held for me here, as I went away to escape from interruptions. My answer, therefore, is very tardy, and I apologize.

I always feel very deeply that I am a Virginian. My mother5 and father6, though they went West long ago, were always Winchester7 people- not Nebraskans. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to talk for an hour or so to your students, and I hope that at some future time you will renew this invitation when I can accept it. This winter I can not make any engagements of that nature. The last year has been very much broken up, and I have got behind in my work8 and my life. My father died last spring, and since then my mother's health has been uncertain. She is now in California9 with my brother10, but I may have to go to her at any time. I always find lecturing tiring, and indulge in it but seldom. At some more fortunate time, however, I assure you I would like to go to Charlottesville11 and spend an hour with your young men.

Very cordially yours, Willa Cather