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#2104: Willa Cather to Roscoe Cather, April 25, 1933

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⬩W⬩S⬩C⬩ My dear Roscoe1:

I ought to have sent you a telegram. I was so glad to hear that your bank stood firm through the storms3 - what storms they have been! I wonder what you think of all that is going on in the world now, especially in the banking world. As for me, I simply think anything is better than timidity and inactivity. I do not think Roosevelt4 is any giant of intellect and he may run us into a few snags, but at least we will be moving5,and for the first time since Theodore Roosevelt6 was in the White House we have a President who can speak French to the French Ambassador7.! The whole misunderstanding8 with Laval9 came about from the fact that when Hoover10 thought he was paying a compliment, Laval thought he was making a promise. I am simply driven to death with the yearly college torment11 and haven't much time to write, but I wish you would keep me posted on how affairs are going with you and the bank in Wyoming12.

With special love to Twinnies13, Willie