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#2151: Willa Cather to Roscoe Cather, [June 23, 1939]

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Don't return—he5 writes every few months—now jollying, now threatening. Old dodo!

Telephone Fischer for Pando Sherry6

My lawyer7 thinks he can hold this fellow down. Four of the stories8 in his "Table of Contents" I never wrote at all. Composite work of the Weekly theme class, U. of N.9

Not at all: he wants to make a book & write a preface!

I am perpetually annoyed by things like this. Most of the stuff he got together were college English themes—not copyrighted because they were given to cheap magazines10 by another English teacher who wanted to advertise his department

He is one of a dozen—They all want to "publish a book" and write a wise preface—about my poor old school themes!

FROM CATHER 570 PARK AVE3., NEW YORK CITY2 Mr. R. C. Cather,1 First Savings Bank of Colusa, Colusa,4 California. NEW YORK, N. Y. STA Y2 JUN 23 1939 1230 PM Personal