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#2392: Willa Cather to Margaret Cather Shannon, October 3 and October 5, 1945

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Dear Little Margaret1:

What a wonderful thing it was of you to take your baby4 and hop onto a plane and go to San Francisco5.! If there is a place in another world for good people, your father6 is surely in it, and he will surely know how his little daughter tried to get to him. I think you must know yourself that you have always been a special favorite with me, dear Margaret. And once7, in Casper8, when I was walking home from the bank with your father, you came running down the sidewalk toward us and Roscoe said, "She will look me over! She is always the first one to notice if I am especially tired or if one or my bad headaches is coming on." I tell you this, dear, because you ought to know it, and ought always to remember it. There are few things in one's life so precious as to have given that magical kind of perception and sympathy toward someone we love. The knowledge that he felt that so keenly ought to be a precious thing for you to remember.

I wish he could have seen your little girl. Meta9 wrote me that she is such a lovely child, and I know your taking the baby out there was a greater comfort to your mother than anything else could have been.

Lovingly W. S. C.

I have been quite ill since I wrote this note and the doctor kept me flat in bed. Much better now.

Mrs. Richard Shannon1 5400 Glenhill Roadway, S.E. Washington 20, D. C.3 NEW YORK N.Y.2 OCT 5 1945 330PM