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#2422: Willa Cather to Mary Virginia Boak Cather, October 17 [1928]

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The Grosvenor3
New York
My Dearest Mother1;

I expect you will be a little lonely, with Elsie4 gone, but I'm glad she has seen Marguerite5 again, and that she finds Marguerite so happy and contented. I'm sure I will be contented as soon as I get a place of my own again6, but after one has had a home of their own for years, living in hotels is just no life at all. I had to be in New York2 just now to attend to some business, but I've hated being here and shall be glad to get away.

Did I write you what a comfort the night gowns you a had Miss Blumer7 make me were this summer at Grand Manan8? They are a little heavy for town wear, but were just what I needed in the country.

I got you an awfully pretty French handbag in Quebec9, a small one for handkerchief and change, but could not send it from there because of customs. Some day, when I get my trunk unpacked, I'll send it to you. I do hope you are enjoying the weather and Doug's10 fine car. No weather is good to me in a city. I expect you have had too much country in your life, and the city is a rest to you; but I, Goodness knows, have had too much city.!

I have just had a letter from old Dr. Tyndale11. He seems as spry as ever and he is eighty- five!

With a world of love to you Willie