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#2431: Willa Cather to Mary Virginia Boak Cather, [October to December 1926]

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Please tell Carrie Sherwood3 that my new story4 will begin in the January number of The Forum5, out about December 20th6, and will run for about six numbers. It has to be cut about one-third for the magazine, so if there's anything you don't understand you will find it accounted for later, in the book. The book won't be out until next fall, probably.7

Please send this letter to Roscoe8 and Meta9, as I want them a to read my new story aloud to their daughters10, and I do hope they will all like it. I have long wanted to write a story of this kind for my nieces and nephews. But they must read the book, too, for there will be a lot in that that is not in the serial. I awfully want Virginia and the twins to like it. It's a little like Swiss Family Robinson11!

Goodbye, dear Mother1, with my dearest love Willie