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#2480: Willa Cather to Abraham L. Garbat, July 25 [1943]

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Dear Doctor Garbat1;

Miss Lewis4 and I arrived here2 on the nineteenth of June5, after a very hard trip6. I have been taking the liver capsules7 you advised (eight capsules each day) they are more easily procured here than the liquid, and I think I feel their good effect. My appetite for food is much keener than it was for some weeks before I left New York8.

As to weather, the old residents insist that it has been the worst in many years; either rainy and cold or very hot and misty. As for me, I enjoyed the cold days. They seemed to untwist my nerves as a sea voyage used to do. In I was able to do a great deal of nothing.

I hope you got out of New York before the intense heat came on. Even here the mercury went up to 89 and ninety. I toasted my stiff right hand in the sun and I got some benefit from the heat.

Please remember me warmly to Mrs. Garbat9. I send you both my love.

Faithfully yours Willa Cather