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#3123: Willa Cather to Burton Hendrick, [February 2, 1907]

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Parker House3,
Dear Mr. Hendrick1

Your letter has made me feel much happier. I knew you didn't mind what Mr. McClure4 said to Peabody5, but I was the one who was made rather ridiculous and I wanted you to know that I was not so utterly stupid as not to appeciate the fact. You are a "True Man," as Mary6 said of Asa7.

Good for Martha Baker8! See how she is standing by us. Please show this interview with her to Mr. Mackenzie9 and Miss Best10. Weren't we fortunate to be away from 23d Street last week? That is one thing we have to thank Science for. As Mary says "all her paths are peace."

I shall see Miss Battles11. I hope you wheedled L. Burkhart12's diary out of George Quimby13. I'm finding some lovely things in the memoranda of the judges who heard Mrs. Eddy's lawsuits. I find that most of her students were as petty and mean as their Mother.

Faithfully Willa Cather