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  • Willa Cather 10
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People : Sherwood, Carrie Miner
People : Southwick, Helen Louise Cather
Places : New York, New York, United States
Creator : Willa Cather

10 results

Mary Virginia Boak Cather (June 22 [1929])

  • Date: June 22 [1929]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Archives & Special Collections, Lincoln, NE

Elsie Cather (December 20, 1939)

  • Date: December 20, 1939
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Archives & Special Collections, Lincoln, NE

Carrie Miner Sherwood (June 14, 1941)

  • Date: June 14, 1941
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Irene Miner Weisz (December 31, 1943)

  • Date: December 31, 1943
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Newberry Library, Chicago, IL

Carrie Miner Sherwood (January 20, 1945)

  • Date: January 20, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Carrie Miner Sherwood (April 29 [1945])

  • Date: April 29 [1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Roscoe Cather (May 17 [1945])

  • Date: May 17 [1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Archives & Special Collections, Lincoln, NE

Beatrix Mizer Florance (June 6, 1945)

  • Date: June 6, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Carrie Miner Sherwood (November 6 [1945])

  • Date: November 6 [1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Carrie Miner Sherwood (September 25, 1946)

  • Date: September 25, 1946
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE