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Browse by People Mentioned

4 No label
44 Aaron, M. Manley
8 Abbott, Edith
1 Abbott, Edward C. (Ned)
1 Abbott, Grace
1 Abeel, Neilson
4 Ackroyd Compton, Rose Anderson
8 Adams Welles, Georgine Milmine
1 Adams, Frederick B. , Jr.
3 Adams, Henry
1 Adams, James Ware
3 Addams, Jane
3 Adelaide
3 Adelsheim, Nellie
1 Adler, Ella A. Stern
15 Adler, Elmer
1 Ahenobarbus, Lucius Domitius (Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus)
1 Akins, Sarah Elizabeth Green
1 Akins, Thomas Jasper
109 Akins, Zoë
2 Albertieri, Luigi
3 Alcott, Louisa May
1 Alden, Mr.
1 Aldrich, Charles Frost
1 Aldrich, Mary Elizabeth Woodman (Lilian, Lily)
1 Aldrich, Talbot Bailey
2 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
2 Alessandri Palma, Arturo
2 Alessandri, Rosa Ester Rodríguez Velasco
1 Alexander Barker, Ruth Barbara Laughlin
2 Alexander, Nellie King Griggs
5 Alexander, William Valentine
1 Aley, Mrs.
2 Alighieri, Dante
1 Allan, Ralph
2 Allen, Henry Justin
1 Allen, Mr.
1 Allen, Mrs.
1 Alvary, Max (Maximilian Achenbach)
1 Amack, Russell
5 American Academy of Arts and Letters
1 Ames, Mary (Maysie)
1 Ames, Oakes
1 Ames, Oliver, Jr.
1 Ames, Winthrop
1 Amoretti, Eugene
4 Anderson, Edwin Hatfield
1 Anderson, Ellen M.
1 Anderson, Enoch
2 Anderson, Frances R. Plummer
1 Anderson, Marian
14 Anderson, Marjorie
4 Anderson, Mary Ann Marpole
1 Anderson, Maxwell
1 Anderson, Sherwood
1 Anderson, Snowden B.
12 Andrews Seymour, Sarah Boak (Auntie)
12 Andrews, William Lee (Will)
1 Angell White, Katharine Sergeant (Kay)
1 Anthony, Katharine Susan
1 Antinous
1 Antonius, Marcus (Mark Antony)
1 Applegate, Frank Guy
1 Archer, Frederic
8 Archer, William
1 Arensberg, Walter Conrad
4 Arliss, Florence Kate Montgomery (Flo)
5 Arliss, George (George Augustus Andrews)
1 Armes, Ethel Marie
1 Armstrong, Stuart Polsley
1 Arnold, Benedict
1 Arnold, Edwin
1 Arnold, Matthew
1 Artinian, Artine
1 Artonne, André
1 Ashby, Turner, Jr.
1 Asker, Frank
1 Asquith, Emma Alice Margaret Tennant (Margot)
1 Asticou, Chief
5 Atherton, Marguerite Richardson
1 Aubushon, John
2 Augustine
3 Augustus (Caesar Augustus, Gaius Octavius Thurinus)
13 Auld, Charles Cather
2 Auld, Helen Jane Wall
34 Auld, James William
56 Auld, Jessica Cather
1 Auld, William Thomas (Thomas , Tom)
37 Auld, William Thomas (Tom, Will)
3 Austen, Jane
4 Austermann, Donald Jeremy
3 Austermann, Edmund Frederick
14 Austermann, Eleanor C. Shattuck
18 Austermann, George
5 Austermann, George S.
5 Austermann, Kurt
27 Austin, Mary Hunter
3 Avery, Samuel
6 Axtell, James Wickliffe
4 Axtell, Mary Helen Minor (Nellie)
1 Axtell, Philip Phillips
1 Ayres, Eliza Abbot
1 Babb, Mrs.
1 Babcock, Mrs.
4 Bach, Johann Sebastian
1 Bacon, Francis
3 Badger, Richard G.
1 Bagger, Eugene Szekeres
2 Bagina
2 Bain, Read
1 Baker, Martha Dew Rand
1 Baker, Newton Diehl
14 Bakst, Léon (Lejb-Khaim Rosenberg)
8 Balzac, Honoré de
1 Barandon, John
1 Barr, Amelia Edith Huddleston
1 Barr, Stringfellow
12 Barrie, James M.
1 Barrois, Augusta V. Bronner
1 Barron, Brother
2 Barrows, Alice Prentice
2 Barrymore, Ethel
1 Barta, Joseph
1 Bates, Blanche
8 Bates, Herbert
6 Bates, John Mallory
7 Bates, Mrs.
2 Bates, Sylvia Chatfield
2 Battles, Julia Mary
1 Bauer, Harold Victor
1 Bauer, Marie Knapp
1 Baxter, Mr.
4 Beach, Rex
2 Beach, Sylvia
2 Beachy, Peter A.
3 Beal, Agnes (Aggie)
4 Beal, Ralph
1 Becker, Sadie
1 Bede, (the Venerable Saint Bede)
1 Bedford, Ryland Dillard
13 Beecher, Florence Idelia George
30 Beecher, George Allen
2 Beecher, Sanford Dent
3 Beer, Thomas
6 Beethoven, Ludwig van
1 Beetrice
1 Belden, Henry Marvin
1 Bell, Helen Olcott Choate
1 Bell, Mr.
14 Benda, Władysław T.
1 Benett, Miss
2 Bennett, Arnold
1 Bennett, Josiah Quincy
1 Bense, William
13 Benthall, Zamira Menuhin
2 Bentley, Alexander (Alex , Alec)
1 Bentley, Alexander (Alex)
1 Benét, Rosemary Carr
1 Benét, Stephen Vincent
1 Benét, William Rose
1 Berg, Ruben Gustafsson
1 Bergson, Henri
1 Bernardone, Giovanni di Pietro di (St. Francis of Assisi)
2 Berner, Rosalie Leventritt
1 Bernhardt, Sarah (Rosine Bernardt)
2 Bernhardt, Willa Mattison
1 Bessey, Carl Athearn
1 Bessey, Edward Athearn
1 Bessey, Ernst Athearn
1 Best, Mary Agnes (Mollie)
1 Beyle, Marie-Henri (Stendhal)
2 Bianca
1 Biddle, Francis Beverley
2 Billings, Mary Baker Glover
1 Birnbaum, Martin
4 Birtwell, Lorna R. F.
1 Björkman, Edwin August
1 Blackwell, Adele Whitcomb
1 Blaine, Harrison Tweed
3 Blanchard, Felix Anthony (Doc), Jr.
1 Blind Noah
1 Bliven, Bruce
1 Bloom, Mary P. Treat
156 Bloom, Sarah J.
1 Blumenschein, Ernest Leonard
4 Blumer, Marie
1 Boak , Samuel Lee
1 Boak, David Henry Clarence (Clarence)
1 Boak, Eleanor Lee (Ellin)
3 Boak, Jacob Seibert
1 Boak, James William
13 Boak, Rachel Seibert
2 Boak, William Lee Washington
4 Boas, Harriet Betty Stanfield
1 Bohnen, Michael
1 Bojer, Johan (Johan Kristoffer Hansen)
45 Bokum, Frances Amanda Butcher (Fanny)
2 Bokum, Richard Drummond
1 Boldizsár, Iván
3 Bonaparte, Napoleon
1 Boni, Albert
1 Boni, Cornelia van Leeuwen (Nell)
1 Bonnell, Miss
2 Boone, John William
1 Boren, Wallace Raymond (Wally)
1 Borgman, Miss
1 Boswell, James
6 Bourda, Alphonse
5 Bourda, Jeanette
43 Bourda, Joséphine Marie Bernardine Brun
5 Bourne, Randolph
1 Bowes-Lyon, Claude George
1 Bowes-Lyon, Elizabeth
2 Boyd, Elizabeth Adella Pavelka
2 Boyd, Thomas A.
1 Boyden, Albert Augustus
6 Boynton, Henry Walcott (H. W.)
1 Boynton, Percy Holmes
1 Bradford, Gamaliel
1 Bradleys, The
1 Bragdon, Lillian J.
1 Brahms, Johannes
1 Brainard, Harry Lewis
4 Braithwaite, William Stanley
1 Branch, Anna Hempstead
3 Brandeis, Alice Goldmark
1 Brandeis, Fredericka Dembitz
4 Brandeis, Louis Dembitz
1 Brandon, William Rockwell
1 Brangwyn, Frank William
1 Brashear, John Alfred
1 Breckinridge, Sophonisba Preston
1 Breed, Mary Bidwell
1 Breslow, Max M.
1 Breslow, Mrs.
2 Breton, Jules
2 Brett, Dorothy (Brett)
20 Brewster, Achsah Barlow
21 Brewster, Earl
1 Brewster, Edwin Tenney
1 Brewster, George Thomas
1 Brian, Ruth Allen Beecher
1 Brickell, Herschel
2 Bridges, Robert
1 Briggs, Alice Cary Brooks
1 Briscoes
1 Broady, Jefferson Hunsaker
8 Brockway, John Hadley
155 Brockway, Virginia Cather
1 Brodard, Bernard
2 Brodie, Elizabeth M. Potts (Lizzie)
1 Brodstone, Louie Theodore
1 Brodstone, Mathilde Emilie Larson
2 Broe, Mrs.
1 Bromhall, Winifred
1 Bronte, Emily Jane
1 Brontë, Anne (Acton Bell)
1 Brontë, Charlotte (Currer Bell)
1 Brooks, Miss
9 Brooks, Van Wyck
6 Broun, Heywood
2 Brown, Albert Curtis (Curtis)
1 Brown, Alice
1 Brown, Ben
8 Brown, E. K.
1 Brown, Frederic Willis
2 Brown, Harry
1 Brown, Mr.
4 Brownell, Gertrude Hall (Kitty)
4 Brownell, William Crary (W. C.)
4 Browning, Robert
1 Brun, Jean-Marie
1 Brunius, August G.
2 Brutus, Marcus Junius
1 Bruté de Rémur, Simon William Gabriel
1 Bryan, Mary Baird
1 Bryan, William Jennings
6 Buchan, John (Baron Tweedsmuir)
1 Buck, Mrs.
1 Budd, Ralph
1 Bullett, Gerald William
1 Bullock, George W.
1 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward
1 Bunner, Anne Coit
1 Bunner, Henry Cuyler (H. C.)
1 Burden, Anna Lockhart
1 Burden, Darrell Bertram
4 Burden, Theo
1 Burdette, Miss
1 Burgess, Gelett (Frank Gelett Burgess)
1 Burke, Kenneth
1 Burkmar, Lucius C.
4 Burlingame, Edward Livermore
1 Burls, Madame
2 Burne-Jones, Edward Coley
2 Burnett , Whitney (Whit)
1 Burnham, Clara Louise Root
5 Burns, Ellen
3 Burns, Lena Campbell Gore
1 Burns, Robert
4 Burroughs, Bryson
66 Burroughs, Ella Louise Guerber (Louise)
1 Burroughs, John
1 Burton, Marion Le Roy
2 Bustamante y Sirvén, Antonio Sánchez de
1 Butcher, Hattie M.
1 Butcher, Lewis Oliver
1 Butler, Colonel
1 Butler, Kate La Montagne
1 Butler, Nathaniel, Jr.
8 Butler, Nicholas Murray
8 Bynner, Witter
1 Byrd , Richard Evelyn, Jr.
1 Byrd, Anne Douglas Beverley
1 Byrd, Harry Flood
1 Byrd, Marie Donaldson Ames
2 Bécat, Paul-Émile
1 Cabot, Samuel, V
1 Cady, Frank William
9 Caesar, Julius
1 Calvé, Rosa Emma (Emma Calvé)
1 Camp, Charley
1 Camp, Helen May
1 Campbell, James Lawrence (J. L.)
2 Campbell, William Wallace
23 Canby, Henry Seidel
14 Canby, Marion Ponsonby Gause
1 Canfield, Almera H. Hawley
1 Canfield, Arthur Graves
1 Canfield, Eli H.
30 Canfield, Flavia Camp
2 Canfield, Hermione H. (Hermie)
5 Canfield, James A.
16 Canfield, James Hulme
1 Canfield, Martha Hulme (Mattie)
2 Canfield, Nathaniel Malcolm (Nat)
2 Canfield, Robert Elliot
4 Canfield, Stella Elliott
6 Cape, Herbert Jonathan (Jonathan Cape)
1 Capone, Alphonse Gabriel (Al Capone)
2 Carel, Marie-Christine
2 Carlyle, Thomas
2 Carolina
1 Carpenter, Mr.
1 Carroll, Archer Latrobe
1 Carson, Christopher Houston (Kit)
1 Carson, Norma Bright
2 Carstens, Jennie C. Morse
2 Caruso, Enrico (Errico)
1 Casals, Pablo
1 Casanova Lewis, Grace Livingstone Hegger (Gracie)
6 Case, Eva King
4 Case, Oliver C.
1 Casserly, Cecelia Cudahy
1 Cather, Andrew
1 Cather, Bernice
1 Cather, Bertram
182 Cather, Charles Douglas (Douglass)
64 Cather, Charles Edwin
237 Cather, Charles Fectigue (Charles Fectique)
1 Cather, Cherrie Henrietta
1 Cather, Edith
1 Cather, Edmund
235 Cather, Elsie
3 Cather, Emily Ann Caroline Smith (Caroline)
28 Cather, Ethel Garber
18 Cather, Frances Smith (Franc)
2 Cather, Frank William
6 Cather, George P.
19 Cather, Grosvenor P.
3 Cather, James
78 Cather, James Donald (Jim)
2 Cather, Jasper
90 Cather, John (Jack)
1 Cather, Katherine Dunlap (Kittie)
333 Cather, Mary Virginia Boak (Jennie)
130 Cather, Meta Schaper
2 Cather, Myrtle Bartlett
1 Cather, Nancy Ann Howard
1 Cather, Oliver C.
1 Cather, Oscar Edward
1 Cather, Robert
394 Cather, Roscoe
7 Cather, WellsIrma
6 Cather, William
1 Catherine II (Sophie Friederike Auguste)
1 Catherine of Alexandria
1 Cervera y Topete, Pascual
1 Cesare, Oscar Edward
1 Chabanel, Noël
2 Chamberlain, John Rensselaer
1 Chambers, Will Grant
5 Chandler, William Eaton
1 Chaplin, Charles Spencer (Charlie)
1 Charlemagne
2 Charles Buckles Falls (C. B.)
1 Charles II
1 Charter, Joe
2 Chase, Mary Ellen
4 Chaucer, Geoffrey
1 Chavez, David
2 Chavez, Manuel Antonio
2 Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
1 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (G. K.)
1 Christ, Ann
3 Christ, Jesus
1 Christy, Grant
1 Churchill, Jenny Jerome (Randolph Spencer)
1 Churchill, John Albert Spencer
12 Churchill, Winston
1 Chvalkovský, František
2 Chávez, Dionisio (Dennis)
1 Cicero, Marcus Tullius
1 Clairouin, Denyse
6 Clark, Annetta I.
1 Clark, Douglass
1 Claude
4 Claudel, Paul
2 Claudius, (Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus)
1 Clay, Henry
2 Cleary, Kate McPhelim
20 Clemens, Cyril
7 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain)
2 Cleopatra
1 Clutter, Kyd Cather
1 Coates Nicholson, Florence Van Leer Earle
1 Coclès, Publius Horatius
1 Cole, Margaret Ward Walmsley (Peggy)
1 Cole, Mr.
3 Collier, Elizabeth Hudson (Lizzie)
1 Collier, William (Willie), Sr.
1 Collins, Edward Day
1 Collins, Frederick Lewis
1 Collins, Joseph
1 Collins, Wanda Elnora Wolfe
3 Collis, Maurice Stewart
1 Colum, Mary Maguire
1 Colum, Padraic (Patrick Columb)
1 Conard, Louis
1 Coney, Alice Butler (Peter)
1 Conklin, Edward Groff (Groff Conklin)
1 Connely, James Willard (Willard Connely)
1 Connick, Andrew Josephy, Jr.
1 Connolly, Cyril
2 Connolly, Thomas M.
10 Conrad, Joseph
1 Conway, Hugh (Frederick John Fargus)
1 Cook, Edward Henry
3 Cook, Henry
1 Cook, Henry H.
1 Cook, Mary Emma Magruder (Emma)
4 Coon, Gertrude
1 Corbett, Mrs.
1 Cornelius, Tony
1 Cornell, Katherine
1 Corser, Samuel Bartlett Gerrish (S. B. G.)
1 Cortissoz, Royal
1 Cotsworth, Muriel Kirkland
4 Cotting, Charles L.
1 Courbet, Jean Désiré Gustave
2 Couse, Edwin Philips
1 Coward, Noël Peirce
2 Cowley, Isaac
2 Cowley, Malcolm
1 Cowley, Nancy Jane Carr
1 Cowper, Mrs.
1 Craddock, Charles Egbert (Mary Noailles Murfree)
1 Craig, Professor
2 Craigen, Maida
1 Cramer, Malinda Adelia Garloch (Delia)
2 Cramer, William D.
1 Crane, Ella Chloe Myers
1 Crane, Mr.
1 Crane, Walter
1 Crane, William H.
3 Crary, Janet L. Sherwood
2 Crawford, Frances Bertha Rush (Fanny)
1 Crawford, Francis Marion
19 Creighton, Ernest A.
84 Creighton, Mary Miner
1 Cresswell, Emilia Field Belknap
1 Cresswell, Leonard B.
1 Crofts, Freeman Wills
5 Crofts, Margaret Livingston Lee
1 Cromwell, Oliver
17 Cross, Wilbur
1 Crowell, Henry
1 Crowell, Henry H.
2 Crowell, Lulu Adelma Helen Wolfe (Lulu)
1 Crowell, Robert L.
34 Crowell, Willard
2 Culp, Julia
1 Cumings, John
2 Curci, Amelita Galli
2 Curie, Marie Skłodowska
1 Curie, Pierre
2 Curran, Jennie Cook
2 Curran, John F.
2 Cushing, Mary Fitch Watkins
1 D'Annunzio, Gabriele
1 Daeger, Albert Thomas
1 Dailey, William M.
1 Dambois, Maurice
3 Damerell, Mary E. Overman
1 Damerell, Robert
5 Damrosch, Walter
1 Dargan, Olive Tilford (Fielding Burke)
1 Dasburg, Andrew
2 Dashiell, Alfred Sheppard
1 Daudet, Alphonse
1 Davenport Clarke, Marcia Glick
1 Davenport, Fanny
1 David
1 Davidson, Joe
1 Davis, Annie S.
1 Davis, Zona M.
8 Davison, Wilfred Edward
3 Dawson, N. P.
1 De la Mare, Walter John
1 DeVoto, Bernard
1 Dean, Mr.
1 Deland, Lorin Fuller
7 Deland, Margaret
1 Dell, Anthony
1 Dell, Berta Marie Gage (B.-Marie)
2 Dell, Floyd
3 Dennis, Helen Bishop
1 Denton, Margaret Litchfield
1 Deschanel, Paul
1 Devlin, Margaret Mary Julia Ashford (Daisy Ashford)
4 Dickens, Charles
1 Dickinson, Asa Don
1 Dickinson, Emily
1 Diedrick, Harriett Wilson (Hattie)
1 Diemand, Nancy Melcher
1 Dix, Marion Olcott
1 Docher, Anton
1 Dodd, Frank Courtenay
1 Donnelly, Mr.
5 Donovan, Albert Daniel
1 Dooher, Murdoch Joseph
1 Dorothy Thompson
8 Dorris, Sarah Harris
1 Doré, Gustave
3 Dos Passos, John
2 Dostoevsky, Fyodor
3 Doty, Douglas Zabriskie
3 Dow, Alex
1 Dow, George Lothrop (Lothrop)
1 Dow, James Douglas (Douglas)
2 Dow, Vivienne Grant Kinnersley
1 Downes, Edwin Olin (Olin)
1 Doyle, Arthur Conan
1 Dr. Stewart
1 Dreier, Katherine Sophie
3 Dreiser, Hermann Theodore (Theodore Dreiser)
2 Driscoll, Charles Benedict
1 Druhe, Leila Nielsen
1 Ducker, Albert Vernon
5 Ducker, William
1 Dumas, Alexandre (Alexandre Dumas, fils)
1 Dumas, Alexandre (Alexandre Dumas, père)
1 Dundy, Harold
1 Dunn, John
1 Dunne, Finley Peter
1 Dunton, William Herbert (Herbert Dunton)
1 Dupont, Etta Greer
1 Duss, John Samuel
1 Dust, Miss
2 Dvořák, Antonín
6 Dwiggins, William Addison (W. A.)
13 Dwight, Harrison Griswold (H. G. Dwight)
1 Dwyer, Mary L.
1 Dürer, Albrecht
2 Eames, Emma
5 Eastman, Theodore Jewett
1 Eaton, Miss
2 Eaton, Mr.
1 Ebers, Georg
1 Eckert, Mary Chambers McClung
9 Eddy Patterson Glover, Mary Baker
2 Eddy, Asa Gilbert (Gilbert, Asa G.)
1 Edgar
1 Edgett, Edwin Francis
1 Edith
1 Edson, William Dwight (W. D.)
1 Edward I
2 Edward John Pavelka
2 Edward VII
2 Edward VIII (Edward, Duke of Windsor)
2 Ehrman, Florence Hellman
3 Ehrman, Sidney Myer
1 Einstein, Albert
1 Eisenhower, Dwight David
3 Elder, Alice Stowell
3 Eliot, George (Mary Anne Evans Cross)
1 Eliot, George Fielding
2 Eliot, Thomas Stearns (T. S.)
2 Elizabeth I
1 Elliott, Frances Elizabeth Roads (Franc)
1 Ellis, Henry Havelock (Havelock)
1 Ellsworth, Edna Earlie Lindon (Edna Earlie Perkins)
1 Ellsworth, William Webster
4 Emerson, Ralph Waldo
1 Emig, Miss
1 Emigh, Edwin C. (Eddie)
2 Emil Pavelka
1 Enescu, George (Georges Enesco)
2 Engel, Zoltan
1 Ennis, Mrs.
1 Ensminger, Harry Foster
1 Erickson, Freeman
1 Erskine, Barbara Peattie
2 Evans, Charles Seddon (C. S.)
1 Evans, Curtis Ferdinand
1 Evans, Edith Brewster
1 Evans, Mr.
1 Everett, Walter Hunt
3 Fadiman, Clifton
1 Fairchild, Elizabeth Nelson
1 Falke, Kendall
2 Farley, James Aloysius (Jim)
7 Farrar, Geraldine
5 Farrar, Preston Cooke
1 Faxon, Mrs.
1 Fechin, Nicolai
2 Feipel, Louis Nicholas
1 Feld, Rose Caroline
1 Ferber, Edna
16 Fernbacher, Margaret Ickis
1 Ferrero, Frances Lance
2 Ferrero, Gina Lombroso
8 Ferrero, Guglielmo
31 Ferris, Mollie
1 Ferris, Thomas
1 Ferruccio
1 Fiedler, Dr.
1 Field, Mr.
2 Field, Mrs.
47 Fields, Annie Adams
3 Fields, James T.
1 Figner, Vera Nikolayevna
1 Finck von Finckenstein, Alexander
1 Finkenbinder Bradbrook, Teresa Egghoffer
127 Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
1 Fisher, James Canfield
1 Fisher, John Redwood
1 Fisher, Mrs.
1 Fiske, Minnie Maddern
2 Fitch, William Clyde (Clyde)
2 Fitz, Ephraim S.
1 Fitzgerald, F. Scott (Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald)
3 Fitzgerald, Father Dennis
1 Fitzgerald, Mr.
2 Flahant, Mme
7 Flaubert, Gustave
1 Flexner, Helen Whitall Thomas
1 Flexner, Simon
39 Florance, Beatrix Mizer (Trixie)
1 Florance, Edwin Charles
3 Florance, Edwin Charles (Ted)
3 Florance, Kirk Riddell (Bud)
3 Florance, Ronald K.
3 Florance, Sidney Mizer (Pat)
34 Florance, Sidney Riddell
1 Florence Elisabeth McNeil
2 Flower, Desmond
3 Flower, Walter Newman
12 Foe, Howard
3 Foe, Vernon M.
12 Foerster, Norman
2 Follett, Wilson
2 Foote, Arthur William
2 Foote, Mary Hubbard
3 Footman, Robert Henry
5 Ford, Ford Madox (Ford Madox Heuffer)
1 Ford, James Lauren
1 Forest, Roche (Rock)
2 Forester, Cecil Scott (C. S.)
1 Foster-Eddy, Ebenezer Johnson (E. J.)
1 Fox, John, Jr.
1 Frame, William Bruce (Bruce)
2 France, Anatole (Jacques Anatole François Thibault)
1 Franck, Dorothea Jean Scott (Jean)
1 Franco, Francisco
1 Franklin, Christine Ladd
1 Franko, Sam
1 Frantz, L.
37 Fremstad, Olive
3 Frere-Reeves, Alexander Stuart
4 Freud, Sigmund
1 Friedberg, Annie
1 Fries, Ann Erika Bjerkander
2 Fries, Anna V. McIntyre
5 Frisbie, Frank
6 Frisbie, Josephine
5 Frisbie, Lora McBride
2 Frisbie, Sylvester W.
3 Frost, Elinor Miriam White
12 Frost, Robert
1 Fulton, Adelaide Hazen
2 Fumagalli, Olympia
1 G.L.
1 Gale, Charles Franklin
9 Gale, Zona
1 Gallegos, José Manuel
2 Galsworthy, Ada Nemesis Pearson
8 Galsworthy, John
1 Gamble, Katherine Hackney (Katie, Katy)
1 Gannett, Lewis
1 Gapen, Miss
18 Garbat, Abraham L.
1 Garbat, Rachelle Lubarsky
1 Garber Smith, Charlotte Squire (Lottie)
1 Garber, Charlotte Dana
3 Garber, Cora E. Armagost
3 Garber, Edwin S.
1 Garber, Frances Dana
17 Garber, Lyra Wheeler
6 Garber, Silas
1 Garber, William Seward
5 Garber, Winifred Richardson (Fred, Freddie)
3 Gardner, Isabella Stewart
1 Gargiulo family
1 Garibaldi, Giuseppe Maria
2 Garland , Hamlin (Hannibal Hamlin Garland)
4 Garnett, Edward
1 Garvin, Lucy Virginia Smith (Jennie )
1 Gatti-Casazza, Giulio
1 Gayhart, Anna S.
8 Geffen, Felicia
4 Geoghegan, Harold
1 Geoghegan, Seamus
1 Geoghegan, Sophia Purser
3 George Oppenheimer
1 George VI
1 George, Abba V. Larrick (Abby)
26 Gere , Ellen (Ned)
15 Gere, Charles
26 Gere, Frances
49 Gere, Mariel
22 Gere, Mariel E. Clapham
1 Gerould, Katharine Elizabeth Fullerton
2 Gerwig, George
1 Gerwig, Henrietta Taylor
1 Getchell, Everett L.
2 Gibbon , Perceval (Reginald Perceval Gibbon)
1 Gibbon, Edward
1 Gibbon, May
2 Gilder, Jeanette Leonard
2 Gilder, Richard Watson
1 Gilham, James Skewis
1 Giordano , Igino (Foco)
1 Gissing, George
2 Gissing, Miss
1 Gladstone, William Ewart
1 Glafke, William Harley
4 Glasgow, Ellen
1 Gleed, James Willis
1 Glick, Carl
2 Glover, George Washington, II
1 Gluck Massie, Effie Dunreith Tyler
1 Godfrey, Aaron W.
1 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
1 Gogol, Nikolai
1 Golden, Ella
1 Goldman, Solomon
6 Goldmark, Josephine Clara
11 Goldmark, Pauline Dorothea
1 Goldmark, Regina Wehle
1 Goldschmidt, Adolph
1 Goldsmith, Oliver
4 Goodman, Theodore
1 Goodwin, Mrs.
1 Gordon, Charles George
15 Gore, James Howard
1 Gore, Laura Campbell
5 Gore, Lillian Sparrendahl
1 Gore, Nina Brown
3 Gore, Perry Cather
1 Gore, Sidney S.
5 Gore, Sidney Sophia Cather
2 Gore, Walter T.
1 Gosse, Edmund
4 Goudy, Alexander K.
34 Goudy, Alice Estelle Dailey
2 Gould, Ellen Maria
1 Graff, Wilton Calvert Ratcliffe
1 Grahame, Kenneth
2 Grant, Judge Robert
1 Grant, Ulysses S.
1 Graves, Clotilde (Richard Dehan)
1 Graves, William Lucius
3 Green, Charles Edward
1 Green, Mark Needham
1 Green, Mrs.
1 Greenbie, Marjorie Latta Barstow
1 Greene, Harry
1 Greenough, John Brush (J. B.)
1 Greenough, Maude S.
9 Greenslet, Ella Stoothoff Hulst (Ellenor Stoothoff, Nancy Moore)
298 Greenslet, Ferris
1 Gregory, Mrs.
1 Grey Tennant, Pamela Adelaide Genevieve Wyndham
3 Grey, Edward
3 Grey, Pearl Zane (Zane Grey)
1 Grice, Byrilda Matilda Taylor
1 Grieg, Edvard
1 Griffith, Mr.
1 Grimwood, Edmund Albert
1 Grippen, Lenora Frances (Frank)
1 Gristede, Charles Henry
1 Grosjean, Madame
6 Grout, Caroline Hamard
14 Guiney, Louise Imogen
2 Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume
13 Gund , Margaret Miner (Margie)
1 Gund, Charles Frederick (Fred)
1 Gunn, Margaret Anita (Saz)
2 Gurney Pierce, Lillian Maude Coleman (Lily, Lillie)
2 Gurney, William Lemuel
1 Guy
2 Guy, Lucille M. Gurney
1 Guérard, Albert Joseph
1 Hackett, Francis
1 Hackney, Susan
1 Hagen, Uta Thyra
3 Haggard, Althea Allie Roberts
1 Haggard, Anna Broady
1 Haggard, Henry Rider (H. Rider, Rider)
1 Hahn, Julia Letheld
1 Hale, Philip
1 Hall, Dorothy
3 Hall, James Norman
1 Hall, Pauline Fredrika Schmidgall
1 Halter, Mr.
4 Hambourg, Boris
1 Hambourg, Dorothea Muir Mackenzie (Dolly)
254 Hambourg, Isabelle McClung
89 Hambourg, Jan
5 Hambourg, Mark
1 Hambro, Carl Joachim (C. J.)
1 Hamilton, Clayton Meeker
1 Hamilton, Lady Emma
1 Hamsun, Knut (Knud Pederson)
2 Hansen, Catherine Murphy (Kitty)
2 Harcourt, Alfred
1 Harden
4 Hardy, Thomas
1 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert
1 Harley, Martha Frances Burks
1 Harris, Celia E.
1 Harris, Clark W.
2 Harris, Mr.
4 Harrison
1 Harrison, Henry Sydnor
1 Harrison, Mrs.
4 Hart, Theodore Stuart
1 Harvey, Frederick Henry (Fred)
1 Harvey, George Brinton McClellan
1 Hatherell, William
1 Hawthorne, Nathaniel
1 Hayes, Miss
1 Hayward, Leland
3 Hazen, Margaret Paige
1 Hazlewood, Captain
1 Hefflebower, David
1 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
2 Heine, Heinrich
8 Heinemann, William
1 Helen, Pavelka
1 Hellman, Lillian
1 Helton, Percy Alfred
6 Hemingway, Ernest
1 Hemmick, Vernie Eliza Davis
1 Hench, Atcheson Laughlin
1 Henderson, Alice Corbin
4 Henderson, Guy
1 Hendrick, Bertha Jane Ives
17 Hendrick, Burton
1 Hendrick, Mary Elizabeth Johnston
1 Henning, Welker Filmore (Happy)
1 Henry
1 Henry, James Robert
1 Heredia, Carlos Manuel de
5 Hergesheimer, Joseph
1 Hersey, John
1 Hesiod
18 Hess, Myra
1 Hewlett, Maurice
6 Hibben, John Grier
4 Hicks, Granville
2 Higby, Anson
2 Higby, Jennie Rowe
1 Highland, Edward F.
6 Hill, Charles Francis
2 Hill, James Jerome
6 Hills, Laura Coombs
2 Hills, Lizzie Bayley
3 Hitchcock, Curtice Nelson
3 Hitchcock, Gilbert Monell
3 Hitchcock, Jessie Crounse
9 Hitler, Adolf
2 Hitz, Benjamin D.
1 Hixon, Vivian Scott
2 Hochstein, David
1 Hodgman, Thomas Morey
1 Hoffman, Malvina
1 Hogan, Eugene Pendleton (Pendleton Hogan)
1 Holbein, Hans
1 Holden, Loua Bellow
2 Holdship, Jane Campbell Bakewell
2 Holland, Elizabeth Carnegie (Libbie)
1 Hollinger, William M.
1 Holman, Louis Arthur
8 Holmes, Oliver Wendell , Jr.
1 Holsman , Elizabeth A. Tuttle (Bessie)
1 Homer
1 Hooker, Katharine Putnam
2 Hoover, Herbert
1 Hope, Elsie Love
1 Hopkins, Anthony Hope
1 Hoppé, Emil Otto (E. O.)
1 Hornberger, Theodore
1 Horne, Miss
1 Horsley, Albert Edward (Harry Orchard)
1 Hosmer, Alfred C. (A. C.)
7 Houghton Mifflin Co.
1 Houghton, Clara Becker
1 Houghton, Wilfred (Will)
13 Housman, Alfred Edward (A. E. Housman)
1 Housman, Laurence
2 Howe, Frances Huntington Quincy (Fanny)
16 Howe, Marc Antony De Wolfe (M. A. De Wolfe Howe)
4 Howells, William Dean
7 Howland, Jobyna
4 Howlett, William Joseph
4 Hoyt, Henry Martyn
2 Hrbková, Šárka Barbara
1 Hueffer, Elizabeth Martindale
2 Huey, Anna Virginia Watrous
13 Huffman, Elizabeth M. Wolfe (Lizzie)
1 Huffman, Raymond K.
3 Huffmann, Richard K.
1 Hughes, Charles Evans
1 Hughes, Langston
1 Hughes, Rupert
3 Hugo, Victor
5 Hunt, Ebenezer W.
1 Hunt, Mr.
1 Hunter, Anna Harrison
2 Hurst, Fannie
1 Hurtubise, Marjorie Ruth
1 Husband, Joseph
1 Huxley, Julian
2 Huxley, Thomas Henry
1 Hylan, John Francis
4 Ibsen, Henrik
171 Ickis, Elizabeth Cather
1 Ickis, Janet Webster
1 Ickis, John Cather
4 Ickis, Lynn S.
1 Igou, Josephine (Josie)
1 Ilsley, Samuel Marshall
2 Imhoff, Grace Douglas
1 Imhoff, Mary Ono (Ono)
3 Irwin, William Henry (Will)
1 Iverson, Hattie L. Cramer
1 Iverson, Oley
1 Jaccaci, August F.
1 Jackson, Andrew
1 Jackson, Thomas Jonathan (Stonewall)
5 Jacobs, Sidney M.
5 Jacobus, Sarah Hayes
1 James I (James Charles Stuart)
13 James, Henry
1 James, Ruth D.
1 Jawiga Benda (Helena Modjeska)
4 Jeans, James Hopwood
1 Jeffers, Robinson
5 Jefferson, Matilda (Till)
5 Jefferson, Nancy
1 Jeritza, Maria (Marie Jedličková)
1 Jester, Mrs.
19 Jewett, Mary Rice
43 Jewett, Sarah Orne
1 John
1 John Charles
1 John I (John Plantagenet)
1 Johns, Orrick
1 Johnson, Alvin Saunders
4 Johnson, Burges
1 Johnson, Haakon
3 Johnson, Henry V. (Harry)
1 Johnson, Isadore (Ikey)
2 Johnson, Merle De Vore
1 Johnson, Mette Mikkelsen (Mattie, Mary)
8 Johnson, Robert U.
1 Johnson, Samuel
1 Johnston, Miss
1 Johnston, Ophelia Speer
2 Jones, Edith Doolittle
1 Jones, Llewellyn
1 Jones, Mary Letitia
3 Jones, Montana
1 Jones, Thomas Samuel , Jr.
20 Jones, Will Owen
3 Jordan, Alice Mabel
1 Jordan, Mr.
1 Jorgensen, Annie Prey
14 Josephy, Robert S.
2 José
1 Joyce, James
1 Judd, Dr. Edward Starr
4 Julio
1 Kaley, Charles W.
1 Kaley, David H.
2 Kaley, Dora Henderson
1 Katy
2 Kaufman, Enit Zerner
1 Kearny, Philip
4 Keats, John
4 Keeble, Glendinning
1 Kellogg, Frank Billings
1 Kellogg, George Dwight
1 Kellogg, John Harvey
1 Kelly, Charles B.
1 Kemp, Barbara
1 Kennan, George Frost
1 Kennedy, John Sexton
4 Kennedy, Margaret
1 Kenneth-Brown, Demetra Vaka
1 Kent, Ira Rich
1 Kenyon, Frederick Courtland
3 Kenyon, Mrs.
4 Keppel, Frederick Paul (Fred)
1 Kercheval, Samuel
1 Kerns, Julia Triplett
4 Kessel, Joseph
1 Khayyám, Omar
1 Kiefer, Mrs.
1 Kimball, Hannibal Ingalls, Jr.
2 Kimmel, Charles B.
1 King Vajiravudh, (Rama VI)
1 King, Hugh
1 King, Marion Dalton Morrison
1 King, Mrs.
4 Kingsley, Charles
1 Kingsmill, Hugh (Hugh Kingsmill Lunn)
2 Kinsley, Peter Augustus
1 Kipling, John
14 Kipling, Rudyard
3 Kirchwey, Freda
3 Kirk, Jean M. Burns
1 Kitchener, Horatio Herbert
1 Knapp, Mr.
1 Knight, Ridgway Brewster
2 Knipper-Chekhova, Olga Leonardovna
398 Knopf, Alfred A.
24 Knopf, Alfred A. (Pat), Jr.
161 Knopf, Blanche Wolf
13 Knopf, Samuel
1 Knothe, Mr.
2 Koertner, Pauline
1 Koestler, Arthur
1 Kohler, Dayton McCue
1 Kohner, Paul
1 Kort, Antonette Marie Pavelka
1 Koshland, William
2 Kreisler, Fritz
3 Kronenberger, Louis
1 Kurath, Gertrude Anna Maria Prokosch
1 Kurt, Melanie
1 Ladd, Horatio Oliver
2 Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de (Marquis de Lafayette)
1 Laird, Helen Melissa Connor
2 Lamb, Charles
17 Lambrecht, Charlotte Preussner
1 Lambrecht, Julius
10 Lambrecht, Lydia
7 Lambrecht, Pauline
1 Lampson, Ruth Murdock
24 Lamy, Jean-Baptiste
3 Lamy, Miguel
1 Landowska, Wanda
1 Landseer, Edwin Henry
6 Lane, Gertrude Battles
1 Lang, Andrew
1 Langtry, Emilie Charlotte Le Breton (Lillie Langtry, Lady de Bath)
5 Larkin, Eunice Chapin
1 Larrick, Annie Elizabeth Richard
1 Larrick, Katie Boak Andrews
1 Larsen, Hanna Astrup
5 Lathrop, Susan Adele
2 Laurenzo, Emma Arlene Huffman
1 Laval, François de Montmorency
1 Laval, Pierre
2 Lawlor, Patrick Anthony (P. A., Shibli Bagarag)
2 Lawrence Weekley, Emma Marie Frieda Johanna von Richthofen (Frieda)
10 Lawrence, David Herbert (D. H.)
2 Lawrence, Margaret
1 Lazard, Esther Hellman Ehrman
1 Leach, Agnes Lisle Brown
14 Leach, Henry Goddard
1 Leacock, Stephen
1 Lee, Rebecca Gilchrist McClung
2 Lee, Rev. Francis R.
1 Lee, Vernon (Violet Paget)
1 Leeds, Ida P. Esquerré
2 Leger, Antoinette Kluf
2 Lehman, Herbert H.
3 Leighton, Elizabeth C. (Betty)
1 Leighton, George Ross
1 Leighton, Josephine Gund
1 Lekeu, Jean Joseph Nicolas Guillaume Lekeu (Guillaume)
2 Leland, Marine
1 Lemaître, Jules
1 Leonard, Chilson Hathaway
1 Leslie
23 Lesser, Joseph
1 Lester, Mary Ida
1 Letson, Alison Chisholm
1 Letson, Lillie
1 Levinson, Samuel
4 Lewis, Dr. Ernest Verdon
398 Lewis, Edith
8 Lewis, Ella Virginia Cather
2 Lewis, Harold Gould
2 Lewis, Henry Euclid
1 Lewis, John Llewellyn
8 Lewis, Lillie Gould
3 Lewis, Mary Delia
4 Lewis, Ruth Putnam
26 Lewis, Sinclair
1 Lewisohn, Ludwig
1 Lichtenberg, Otto
1 Lichter, Mr.
2 Licklider, Albert
1 Lieber, Maxim (Max)
1 Lilienthal, Theodore Max (Ted)
15 Lindbergh, Anne Cutter Morrow
4 Lindbergh, Charles A. , III
13 Lindbergh, Charles Augustus
2 Lindgren, Carrie H. Cather
1 Lindsay, Dr.
1 Lindsay, Vachel
7 Linscott, Robert Newton
1 Lippmann, Walter
1 Listz, Franz
12 Litchfield, Ethel Herr Jones
4 Litchfield, Lawrence
1 Liveright, Horace Brisbin
1 Liveright, Lucille Elsas
1 Liveright, Otto K. (O. K.)
1 Livia Drusilla (Julia Augusta)
1 Llona, Florence Mildred Nelson
9 Llona, Victor
2 Loggins, Vernon
1 Lombroso, Cesare (Ezechia Marco Lombroso)
3 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
1 Longwell, Daniel
2 Lorimer
1 Louis XIV, King of France
1 Louis XV, King of France
1 Loveman, Amy
5 Lovett, Robert Morss
1 Low, Will Hicok
6 Lowell, Amy
7 Lowell, Catherine D. Cather
2 Lowell, Orson
1 Lowery, Hamilton B.
2 Lowndes, Marie Adelaide Belloc
1 Lubin, Alfred W.
1 Lucullus, Lucius Licinius
24 Luhan Dodge, Mabel Ganson
6 Lujan, Antonio (Tony Luhan)
1 Lund, Lois R. Bradford
1 Luther, Martin
1 Lyon, Professor
1 Mabie, Hamilton Wright
1 MacArthur, Arthur B.
1 MacDonald, Benjamin J.
1 MacDonald, Pirie
1 MacDowell, Marian Griswold Nevins
1 MacKaye, Percy
1 MacKinder, Dorothy
2 MacLean, George Edwin
2 MacLeish, Archibald
1 MacNamara, Robert Francis
3 Macaulay, John Francis
1 Macauley, Ward
2 Macfarland, Louise C.
1 Macgregor, Margaret Eliot
1 Machebeuf, Anne (Sister Marie Philomène)
16 Machebeuf, Joseph Projectus
17 Mackenzie, Cameron
1 Mackenzie, Elizabeth Harriett McClure (Bess, Bessie)
1 Mackoy, Harry Brent
4 Macpherson, Eugenia Commandeur Hunt
2 Macpherson, Ewan Charles
1 Magee, James McDevitt
1 Magee, William Addison (Doc)
1 Magin, Català i Guasch
1 Mahon Johns, Grace Wilson
1 Mahoney, Eva
2 Major, Nora Valborg Lewison
2 Malibran, María Felicitas García
1 Maline, Julian Lawrence
2 Malone, Thomas H.
4 Mann, Thomas
1 Mansfield, Helen Coolidge Todd (Nellie)
2 Mansfield, Katherine
5 Mansfield, Richard
1 Manwaring, Elizabeth Wheeler
1 Marble, Annie Russell
1 March, John
1 Marie Alexandra Victoria
1 Marinoff, Fania
1 Markell, Eleanor
1 Markewich, May Elish
1 Markova, Alicia (Lilian Alicia Marks)
1 Marley, Huxton
2 Marlowe, Julia (Sarah Frost)
1 Marshall, Albert A.
1 Martinez, Maria Del Refugio Lucero (Ruth)
1 Martou, Mme.
1 Martínez, Antonio José
1 Mary of Teck (Victoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes)
14 Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue
1 Masefield, John Edward
1 Mason, Alpheus Thomas
3 Mason, Harold
1 Mason, Walter (Walt)
1 Massie, Hughes
5 Masters, Edgar Lee
1 Masterton, Miss
1 Matheny, Frank H.
2 Matheny, Nannie V. Andrews
1 Matheny, William Jessie
1 Mather, Robert
2 Mathews, Ferdinand Schuyler
3 Matthiessen, Francis Otto
3 Mattie
2 Mattison, Jesse
1 Maurer, Clarence Verne
2 Maurer, Frederick E.
1 Maurer, Henry J.
1 Maurer, Minnie Reiher
1 Maurer, Viola Emery
2 Maurice, Arthur Bartlett
3 May, Charles Henry
1 Maynard, Wallace A.
7 McAfee, Helen Flora
1 McAuley, Jerry
1 McCloskey, Miss
1 McClung, Charles Agnew
11 McClung, Frances A. Merritt (Fannie)
1 McClung, Jeremiah Murry Gilchrist (Murry)
3 McClung, Mary Mellon
20 McClung, Samuel Alfred
12 McClung, Samuel Alfred , Jr.
2 McClung, William Howard
1 McClure, Eleanor
9 McClure, Harriet Sophia Hurd (Hattie)
1 McClure, Henry Herbert (H. H.)
111 McClure, Samuel Sidney (S. S. McClure)
1 McCracken, Miss
1 McDonald, Edward David
2 McDonald, James Boyd
1 McElhone, Jane M. Dierken (Jennie)
3 McEnerney, Garret W.
3 McEnerney, Genevieve Hamilton Green
1 McFee, William
1 McIninch, Nellie Aija Plasters
1 McIntosh, Ian
3 McKeeby, Gilbert E.
1 McKinley, Ida
1 McMenamin, Hugh L.
1 McMurtry, Hugh G.
1 McNeil, Elizabeth Knox Beecher
16 McNeny, Bernard
7 McNeny, Helen Sherman (Nell)
1 McNeny, James
1 McNitt, Manly B.
1 Meagher, Maude
2 Meissner, Minerva Harvey DePue (Minnie)
1 Meissner, Stella Kirker
1 Melba, Nellie (Helen Porter Mitchell)
1 Melcher, Ann
1 Melcher, Daniel
8 Melcher, Frederic Gershom
3 Melcher, Marguerite Fellows
169 Mellen, Mary Virginia Auld
4 Mellen, Mary Wheaton Hager
3 Mellen, Philip E.
24 Mellen, Richard Hager (Dick)
3 Meloney, Marie Mattingly
26 Mencken, Henry Louis (H. L.)
1 Mencken, Sara Powell Haardt
60 Menuhin, Hephzibah
4 Menuhin, Krov
54 Menuhin, Marutha Sher
44 Menuhin, Moshe
64 Menuhin, Yaltah
108 Menuhin, Yehudi
1 Mercer, Cecil William (Dornford Yates)
1 Meredith
3 Meredith, George
1 Meromichey, Mr.
1 Merores, Margarete Wilhelmine (Margaret)
4 Merrill, John Lincoln
1 Merritt, Martha Isabel (Belle)
1 Meskimen, Harriet J.
1 Metzger, May Higby
1 Metzger, Milton A.
3 Meynell, Alice Christiana Thompson
5 Michelet, Jules
2 Miksch, Amos
3 Millay, Edna St. Vincent (Vincent)
1 Miller, Henry (John Pegge)
4 Miller, Mary Kiley Sprague (Kiley)
1 Miller, Mr.
3 Mills, Emma P.
2 Milne, Mr.
4 Milton, John
6 Miner , Charles Hugh (Hugh , Hughie)
4 Miner, Alfaretta Ayre (Retta)
7 Miner, James L.
8 Miner, Julia Erickson
2 Mistral, Frédéric
1 Mitchell, Lavinia A.
1 MitchellMargaret Julia, (Maggie)
1 Mizer, Frank Paul
1 Mizer, Josephine
1 Mizer, Max Kilgore
2 Moench, Laura Mary (L. Mary)
1 Mohr, Emil
1 Moir, Phyllis
1 Monihan, James
1 Monod, Philippe
7 Monroe, Harriet
1 Montgomery, Bernard Law (Monty)
2 Moody, Margaret
1 Moore, Charles H. (Charley)
1 Moore, Clement Clarke
1 Moore, George
1 Moore, Jessie
4 Moorhead, Emily Butler Black
1 Moorhead, William Jefferson
3 Moranville, Mary Sherwood
3 Morgan, Helen Chace Lewis
3 Morgan, John Pierpont (J. P.)
1 Morgan, Wallace
2 Morley, Christopher
1 Morrill, Charles Henry (C. H. Morrill)
1 Morris, Clara
1 Morris, Harrison Smith
1 Morrow, William
1 Mountbatten, Louis Alexander
4 Mousel, Beatrix Josephine Florance (Bicky)
1 Mousel, David L.
2 Mousel, Lloyd Harvey
1 Mozart, Johann Georg Leopold (Leopold)
7 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
1 Muirhead, Helen Quincy
1 Muirhead, James Fullarton
2 Mulder, Arnold
1 Mullen, John J.
1 Mulse, Rena
1 Munson, J. John (John J. Munson)
1 Murat, Louis Napoleon (Signor De Louie)
3 Muray, Nickolas (Miklos Murai)
1 Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban
5 Murray, John, IV
1 Murry, John Middleton
1 Muse, Mary Ann (Molly)
1 Muse, Robert Bruce (Captain Muse)
1 Muse, Ruhamah Ann Seibert
1 Musset, Alfred de
3 Mussolini, Benito
1 Myer, Clement L.
1 Myers, Alice A.
1 Myers, Alice H. Clark
1 Myers, Datus Ensign
3 Mérimée, Prosper
6 Münsterberg, Hugo
1 Nansen, Fridtjof
3 Nash, John Burnet
4 Nathan, George Jean
1 Naudin, Bernard
3 Navall, Deidrich (Dietrich Neufeld, Dirk Gora)
1 Neider, Charles
3 Neihardt, John G.
1 Neilson, Elisabeth Muser
4 Neilson, William Allan
1 Nelson, Horatio
1 Neumann, Herr
1 Neve, Mr.
3 Nevin, Anne Paul
1 Nevin, Elizabeth Duncan Oliphant
11 Nevin, Ethelbert
8 Nevins, Allan
1 Newberry, Rosamond Sergeant (Rosie)
3 Newbranch, Evalena Pearl Rolofson (Eva)
9 Newbranch, Harvey E.
2 Newman, Frances
1 Newton, Alfred Edward
1 Nexø, Martin Andersen
1 Nicholas, Kronrod George (Kron)
3 Nicholas, Lindsay
1 Nicholas, Marston (Nick)
2 Nichols, Arthur Howard
1 Nichols, Elizabeth Fisher Homer
1 Nichols, Marian Clarke
9 Nichols, Rose Standish
1 Nielson
1 Noble, Thomas Tertius (Tertius)
1 Nolan, Robert Bransfield
3 Nordica, Lillian
1 Norris, Frank
3 Norris, Kathleen
1 Norton, Charles Eliot
1 Norway, Nevil Shute (Nevil Shute)
3 Nosworthy, Florence Pearl England
2 Novák, Jaroslav
1 O'Neil, George Rowley
2 O'Neill, Eugene
1 O'Neill, James
1 O'Ryan, Professor
1 Oakley, Thornton
1 Oatman, Royal F. (Roy)
27 Ober, Frank Roberts
3 Ogden, Rollo
1 Oliver, Egbert Samuel
2 Oliver, John Rathbone
1 Oliver, Mrs.
2 Oliver, Simeon (Nutchuk)
2 Ondrak, Kamil
1 Orr, Thomas Edwin
1 Osborn, Ellen Pauline Streit (Ella)
7 Osborn, William Jennings Bryan
4 Osborne, Evelyn
1 Osborne, Mrs.
1 Oscar II
5 Otte, Fredrick A. , Jr.
2 Ouida, (Maria Louise Ramé)
2 Oury, William H.
5 Overing, Edwin James (E. J.), Jr.
1 Overton, Florence
8 Overton, Grant Martin
1 Owen, Jennie Small
1 Padden, Valeria A. Babcock
4 Paderewski, Ignacy Jan
1 Paine, Albert Bigelow
1 Palladino, Eusapia
1 Palmer, Alice Freeman
1 Paris, Gaston Bruno Paulin
3 Park, Marion Edwards
1 Parker Bowen, Mildred Gapen
3 Parkman, Francis
1 Parks, William (Uncle Billy)
1 Parmenter, John C.
1 Parrish, Anne
1 Parrish, Maxfield
2 Partington, Mr.
1 Partington, Mrs.