A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Lorna BirtwellNov. 10, 1922Columbia 

Sorry she could not accept her invitation. Days very full. Leaves for Nebraska in ten days for a long visit. Will have Friday afternoons as usual in February.   Willa Cather   [Stout #640]

To Lorna BirtwellNov. 27, [1922]Columbia 

Appreciated her interesting comments on One of Ours. Most critics wanted her to repeat Ántonia, though only two reviewers had liked it [ Ántonia ] when it was new. Has been delayed by work on proofs of new edition of April Twilights, so won't have Thanksgiving at home after all. Leaves tomorrow.   Willa Cather   [Stout #650]

To Lorna BirtwellMar. 12, [1923]Columbia 

Hopes she has not called on a Friday; has not been there. Was in hospital with influenza, then to sanitorium. Plans to sail the 24th. Goodbye until next winter.   Willa Cather   [Stout #681]