A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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Results 11-20:

To Will Owen JonesJan. 15, 1896 [actually 1897] from PittsburghWCPM 

Won't be able to send material for newspaper until next week. Has met C. L. Magee, managing editor of two Pittsburgh newspapers and political boss of the city. Had a letter of introduction from an actress friend. Magee's office crowded with people, but he had a kind word for each, gave letters to several to help them get jobs. It was hard to ask a stranger for a job, but he encouraged her to come back. Asked her into his private office, said he would take some articles and there might be a job coming open on the evening paper.    Willa Cather   [Stout #34]

To George SeibelJan. 29, 1896 [actually 1897] on Home Monthly letterhead ; WCPM 

Enclosing check for $6 for his article on the Star of Bethlehem. "A Higher Critic" will be in March issue, also for $6.    Willa Cather   [Stout #35]

To Mr. George Seibel and Mrs. Helen SeibelJune 21, 1897 on Home Monthly letterhead ; WCPM 

Enjoyed Saturday evening. Probably will not see them again before she leaves. Jack will enjoy the brownies [rubber stamp] being sent by Erna [Seibels' baby].    Willa Cather   [Stout #38]

To Mariel GereJune 21, 1897 from PittsburghWCPM 

Would like to stop off in Lincoln before going on home. So much to tell!  P.S.: Will be at the Canfields' in Columbus on the way.  Willa   [Stout #39]

To Mrs. George SeibelJuly 23, 1897 from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Probably will not go back to Pittsburgh until September. Magazine has been sold. Will try to get a newspaper job. Afraid Mr. Seibel has not been paid. Jack enjoying the brownies [rubber] stamp. Is going hunting with older brother in August. Is sending Erna [Seibels' baby] a spoon. P.S.: Has been reading Charles Lamb's Dramatic Essays.  Willa Cather   [Stout #40]

To Mr. George Seibel and Mrs. Helen SeibelAug. 9, 1897 from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Has received Erna's picture. Is impressed that Mr. Seibel has acquired a complete set of Hugo, but they will envy her "Thistle" Stevenson. Has not yet retrieved manuscripts from Axtell and Orr. Beware of Christians! But is attending church with her family. Leaving on hunting trip today. Has a cold.    Willa Cather   [Stout #41]

To Will Owen Jones,  Tuesday [Sept. 7, 1897] from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Has just that day been hired by the Pittsburgh Leader at $75 a month. To report next week. Has been writing stories, but must take this opportunity. Socializes too much in Pittsburgh, but can't resist [Emma] Calvé and [Sarah] Bernhardt.   [Stout #42]

To Mariel GereWednesday [pm. Sept. 8, 1897] from Red Cloud, Nebr.WCPM 

Has been called back to Pittsburgh by the Leader. Will be in Lincoln Friday to Tuesday.    Willa   [Stout #43]

To Mariel Gere,  Sunday [Sept. 19, 1897?] from PittsburghWCPM 

Felt like jumping off train when it left Lincoln. Likes her work as telegraph editor, writing headlines for all telegraph material received during day shift. Writes theater reviews for extra pay. Will not stay away from Nebraska so long next time. Was never really a bohemian. Hopes Mariel will come visit at Christmas.    Willa   [Stout #45]

To Frances GereJune 23, 1898 from PittsburghWCPM 

Glad to hear Fritz Westermann has gone off to the [Spanish-American] war. Has been writing headlines about the blockade of Santiago Harbor. Sorry not to come to her commencement. Dorothy [Canfield] will be visiting in early July. Has been in Washington with her cousin Professor Gore, who was preparing for a polar expedition. His Norwegian wife, Lillian Thekla Brandthall, is glamorous and impressive. Looking forward to getting back to Nebraska.    Willa   [Stout #49]

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