A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant,  Thursday [Mar. 9, 1944?] UVa 

Glad she can come to dinner on Saturday March 18. Sorry for the sloppy handwriting, but hand still in the Ober brace.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1660]

To Elizabeth Moorhead VermorckenMay 5, 1944PM 

Has to dictate this letter because of inflamed tendon in her right thumb; has hand in a brace again. Sorry to hear she had to escape Italy and leave her books behind. So sad to see the world destroyed like this. Glad to hear she thinks her [Cather's] books have stood the test of time. Especially glad to hear she still likes The Professor's House, which most people do not. Especially enjoyed writing it because of the structural experiment. Tried to use the Blue Mesa like an open window on the sea in a Dutch interior painting. Still remembers when they met, when she had read "Paul's Case" and came to call. That world is gone. Wishes they had been born in 1850 and missed the disasters of this century.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1666]

To Zoë Akins,  Tuesday January 23?, 1945Huntington 

Thanks for the beautiful camellias. Together with the cyclamen and a cyclamen from Nola and an orange tree from Yehudi, it has made her a private tropics in spite of winter outside. More snow last night. Hand still bad. Removes the brace two hours a day to work on a story that interests her greatly.   Willa   [Stout #1688]

To Irene Miner WeiszJan. 6, 1945Newberry 

Has kept hoping to write a letter by hand, but has been in brace since December 16. Is afraid of losing the story she was enjoying working on. Cries every time she reads her letter. In the early days, when making her living in newspaper work or teaching and sending money to family, wrote for the joy of it. Over the years has managed to recapture many happy memories by writing. The world has been good to her, but Red Cloud has not. Hard to believe Helen McNeny would lecture on Granville Hicks, who built his career attacking her, in the Auld Library! Naturally, this delights people in Red Cloud who like to spend their time figuring out where she got everything in her books. Truth is, most of the time doesn't know— they just came to her, without her even realizing she wasn't making them up. Remembers how angry Mrs. Fred Garber was about A Lost Lady; she told Douglass she ought to have sued. Never meant to write about Mrs. Garber, but in the shock of learning of her death the story came to her. Wrote an honest recording of feelings she evoked. Mustn't show this letter to the likes of Helen Mac!   Willie   [Stout #1689]

To Sigrid UndsetJan. 6, 1945Oslo 

Her Christmas remembrance was very kind and forgiving. Has thought of her so often. Living conditions deteriorate more each day. Miss Lewis can't even get a taxi to take her to Brooklyn to see her two sisters. The problem of finding servants is acute; their capable woman comes from ten until two to clean and prepare lunch, but for dinner they must cruise about town in search of food, and poor quality at that. Has been working on a story that very much interests her, but last week her right hand gave out again and she is back in Dr. Ober's brace. Isn't very philosophical about it. Will soon send Undset an early book of hers, which she thinks Undset might like despite its grave faults, which appeared in Danish and Swedish [probably 1918 edition of My Ántonia].   [Stout #1690]

To Ferris GreensletJan. 24, 1945Harvard 

Won't sign an agreement with a Spanish publisher now. Was ill with influenza two weeks, and hand causing trouble. Takes it out of brace two hours a day to write on a story in which she is very interested. Christmas was over eventful, so many letters from soldiers that they became emotionally wearing.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1693]

To Mrs. George WhicherJan. 31, 1945PM 

Was glad to hear from her at Christmas. Appreciates old friends' remembrances. Yes, it was reasonable for her to quit her job. Most people's jobs are wrecked now anyway. Spends much of her time and energy writing to soldiers in foxholes who have written to her after seeing one of the Armed Forces editions. Spent the summer at Northeast Harbor, Maine, enjoying a little work. Still has occasional problems with right hand. It is tied up in Dr. Ober's brace again now, so can't write by hand.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1696]

To Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant,  Thursday [Mar. 9 or 16, 1945?] PM 

Hopes she can come to dinner on Saturday, March 18. Sorry to write such a scrawl; hand in brace. Glad she is in town.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1701]

To Carrie Miner SherwoodApr. 29, [1945]WCPM  [Note: handwriting very irregular and scrawling.]

Glad she used her time during Easter storm to write a letter. Is still having trouble with hand. Used brace almost all the time for four months starting a little before Christmas. Can't dictate her work, only letters. Is very interested in everything Carrie writes about grandchildren. Used Tony Luhan's last name (which he took because his Indian name would be too difficult for white people) for the owner of the mules in Archbishop but changed the spelling so it wouldn't be obvious. Of course, he didn't have the mules as in the book. Personally knew of a pair of white mules owned by Mexicans. Is she really overseeing all five farms, besides maintaining Red Cross work? Would very much like to come to Red Cloud, but has been emotionally weak ever since her operation. Still able to write, as evidenced by work on a new story last summer that she greatly enjoyed. With any emotional excitement has physical symptoms, can't sleep, and cries uncontrollably. Is letting Mariel Gere know she will not be coming for the fiftieth class anniversary. Excitement would be too much. Has had a happy winter, though shortage of domestic help makes life difficult. Enjoys having Helen Louise nearby and enjoys the visits of Yehudi Menuhin and his wife.   Willie   [Stout #1704]

To Ferris GreensletMar. 29, [1946]Harvard 

Has finally finished reading The Practical Cogitator, first prose anthology she ever read. Enjoyed many of the individual selections, but wishes the book were shorter. Prefers to read people in historic context. Sorry for bad handwriting, but hand is in Dr. Ober's brace again. P.S.: Really, doesn't he think anthologies reflect superficiality in the times?  Willa Cather   [Stout #1730]

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