A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Louise PoundOct. 13, 1897 from PittsburghDuke 

Not fair to accuse her of keeping her address a secret. Had not expected to be daytime telegraph editor when she accepted the Leader job, but when it became available applied and got it, despite youth and sex. Work is like running a race, but hours are short. Hard to write distinctive headlines for a dozen suicides at a time. Has received A Portrait of a Lady [ James ]. Mr. Farrar has come to call, so must break off.    Willa Cather   [Stout #46]

To Mariel GereJan. 10, 1897 [actually 1898] from PittsburghWCPM 

Roscoe has been ill, but needs money worse than he needs her presence. How nice it is to have independence! Life has a lot of variety these days. Mr. Farrar broke his leg but is still capable of fun. Mrs. Canfield and Dorothy visited during Christmas. Turned the tables by introducing them to society. Many parties, including a dinner for Ethelbert Nevin. Has met interesting people—Anthony Hope Hopkins, F. Marion Crawford, Fridtjof Nansen. Went shopping with Nevin today, and he bought her a bunch of violets.    Willa   [Stout #47]