A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Elsie CatherSeptember 5, [1934?]UNL-Rosowski Cather 

Appreciates wonderful, reassuring letter, which answered her questions about Dr. Creighton and Bess.� Feels overwhelmed by good news of Bess.� Will Elsie please take a good stock of food out there from Mrs. Burden's store so that Mrs. Kourtner can cook.� Buy them new bedding or furniture if they need it.� Is enclosing a check for forty dollars to assist with property taxes.�Hopes Elsie will give Kitty work; will help her and Elsie both.� Is as pleased as the Bishop that Elsie saved the trees at the church.�Bishop is an impressive man.� If West Virginia is to be at the University of Chicago, why doesn't Elsie go there for Christmas and enjoy some shows and music?� She herself always stays at the La Salle hotel.�Is amazed that though she is so busy Elsie had the house painted, but a good time to do it with labor and materials cheap.� Nebraska climate always hard, but Michigan, Wisconsin, and even England are very hot and dry now. �Grand Manan seems to be the only cool place left.� Wishes she could bring Red Cloud in its entirety there for a week.� Friend of J. M. Barrie wrote to ask that she inscribe a book to Barrie, since he often reads Death Comes for the Archbishop and My Antonia.� Hard to know how to write such an inscription; he would not be pleased by anything reeking of flattery.� Would rather write a book than this, but has to do it.� Elsie should take it easy and rest after the heat of the summer.   Willie