A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To E. H. AndersonNov. 24, 1922NYPL 

Hurrying to leave for Nebraska but will answer briefly. Georgine Milmine, now Mrs. Benjamin Wells, of Aubrey, N.Y., gathered material on Mrs. Eddy. McClure bought the material, subsequently lost (along with a first edition of Science and Health) when the magazine was sold. Milmine couldn't do the writing, and after sampling short segments of it done by several other people he chose her [Cather]. This was shortly after she came to New York. Carefully checked the material and believes it is all accurate except the first chapter, written by Burton Hendrick, now with Doubleday. His resentment at being removed from the project may be part of the reason Doubleday does not bring it back into print. Please keep confidential.   Willa Cather   [Stout #649]

To E. H. Anderson [from Ellen Burns, secretary]Dec. 11, 1922NYPL 

Yes, write to Mrs. Wells [Georgine Milmine] but do not mention Cather's name. Might also write to S. S. McClure for an account of how the material was collected.   [Stout #658]

To Carlton Wells,  n.d. [c. July 10, 1928] , on his letter to her dated July 3, 1928 ; Newberry 

Gives permission for him to use essay "Nebraska" in a textbook.   Willa Cather   [Stout #941]

To Mabel Dodge LuhanNov. 22, [1932], from Grosvenor Hotel, New YorkBeinecke 

She and Edith have leased an apartment and are decorating it. Almost ready to move in. Edith very busy at work; hopes she will resign soon. What about Mary Austin's book [Earth Horizon]? So full of special pleading and self-pity. Not true Archbishop was written in Austin's house—didn't even want to go to the house, but had to, to be polite. Couldn't help it the archbishop was French. Houghton Mifflin had to make deletions [from Earth Horizon] after some 30,000 copies were sold, under threat of lawsuit by H. G. Wells. Has she read Hemingway's fine new book [Death in the Afternoon]? Would like to go to Mexico this winter, but must get settled first. Has heard lots of people talking about Lorenzo in Taos.   Willa   [Stout #1135]

To Mr. WellsJan. 16, 1933Newberry 

Glad he sent the English reviews of Obscure Destinies, especially the one from Manchester Guardian. Interesting that he was a professor at Michigan when she received honorary degree there. The first university to give a person an honorary degree is brave. Princeton was brave in giving her its first to a woman. Best wishes with his work at the British Museum.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1153]

To Carlton F. WellsJan. 7, 1936Newberry 

Has had a mountain of mail to get through since returning from Europe. Glad to find his letter. He is the only person who has noticed her alteration of the text of the aria from Elijah [Mendelssohn's] . Even baritones who have sung it don't seem to have noticed. Of course, the change [from "If with all your heart you truly seek me" to "If with all your heart you truly seek him"] is all-important.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1290]

To Carlton F. WellsJan. 23, 1936Newberry 

No, can't allow him to publish quotations from her earlier letter. Assumed the writer of such an intelligent letter as the one he wrote would know better than to try to use it for publicity. P.S.: Had not realized she was writing to an English teacher who meant to read her letter to his class. Is usually cautious, but apparently not cautious enough.  Willa Cather   [Stout #1294]

To Carlton F. WellsFeb. 27, 1936Newberry 

Appreciates his assurance of his good intentions.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1299]

To Roscoe CatherJuly 19 [1918], on letterhead of The Shattuck Inn, Jaffrey, NHUNL-Roscoe 

Thanks to Meta for the delightful photographs of the twins! Neither she nor Edith Lewis will be able to come to Wyoming, as the rising costs of rail travel make it too expensive. Mother tells her, though, that Roscoe will be in Red Cloud with Virginia this summer. Plans to be there for a month beginning August 15. Hopes he will be there then. Is rejoicing in the reports from France, and especially G. P.'s citation. Many people have asked if the Cather mentioned in all the New York newspapers is her relative. Glad his citation is for such a practical kind of heroism. Is busy reading proofs of her new book at this quiet inn. It is an odd book, or at least different than the others. Did he know that her other novels are included in many college courses? And wasn't he surprised by Jack? Hasn't met the girl, but if she's respectable and a good speller, it will probably be great for him. Certainly Roscoe's marriage has been. PS: The American soldiers are so impressive! (Is having a hard time writing with the terrible ink provided by the hotel).  Willie.