A Calendar of the Letters of Willa Cather

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To Yaltah MenuhinFeb. 28, [1939?; prob. Feb. 27]Princeton 

Wishes she were there to cheer a rainy day. Enclosing a letter from Stephen Tennant. At times he lets emotions run away with him. Prefers simple, direct language. English poetry has greater riches and variety than French, but English prose is better plain, with strong emotion kept firmly controlled. Glad to hear she likes Barrie. He can get away with sentiment because he always does it with a hint of a laugh. Was glad to hear from her father and Yehudi on Saturday before they sailed. Sorry she is having respiratory trouble. Suggests she read at night when she is having trouble, to try to take her mind off it. Myra Hess came to tea yesterday and sent her greetings. P.S.: Good that Stephen went to Egypt even if it did cause him to rhapsodize; he needs it for his health. [Tennant was in Egypt in early 1939. That fact, together with the reference to Yaltah's illness, seems to confirm the dating of this letter. On the other hand, the reference to Yehudi's sailing conflicts with the statement that he is in Jaffrey. I conjecture no. 1439 was written later in the day. However, inconsistencies make it unclear.]  Aunt Willa   [Stout #1438]

To Carrie Miner SherwoodNov. 15, 1942WCPM 

Thanks for sending the bittersweet [pieces of a vine]. Has just returned from three weeks at Williamstown. Unfortunately, housekeeper is ill; have only a cleaning woman three days a week and a house man to do heavy work. Having to eat all meals out. Is still not gaining weight. Can bear anything if only the Expeditionary Force routs Rommel out of Egypt. Everything will be better once the Mediterranean is liberated.   Willie   [Stout #1596]

To Mr. SanbornTuesdayUNL-Sullivan 

Missed receiving his letter; was spending the weekend at Cos Cob. Hasn't been to any musical events since returning except for a few by German opera performers. Has finally caught up on correspondence—probably three hundred letters! Hopes they can have dinner or tea. Olive Fremstad is away in Egypt.   Willa Cather   [Stout #1816]