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  • Letters 87
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  • 1945 87
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Year : 1945
Subcategory : Letters
Creator : Willa Cather

87 results

Abraham L. Garbat (June 27, 1945)

  • Date: June 27, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Virginia, Special Collections, Charlottesville, VA

Alfred A. Knopf ([August 27, 1945])

  • Date: [August 27, 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: The Dobkin Family Collection of Feminism, New York, NY

Alfred A. Knopf ([June 13, 1945])

  • Date: [June 13, 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: The Dobkin Family Collection of Feminism, New York, NY

Alfred A. Knopf ([June 14, 1945])

  • Date: [June 14, 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: The Dobkin Family Collection of Feminism, New York, NY

Alfred A. Knopf ([March 14, 1945])

  • Date: [March 14, 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: The Dobkin Family Collection of Feminism, New York, NY

Alfred A. Knopf ([May 17, 1945])

  • Date: [May 17, 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: The Dobkin Family Collection of Feminism, New York, NY

Alfred A. Knopf ([October 30, 1945])

  • Date: [October 30, 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: The Dobkin Family Collection of Feminism, New York, NY

Alfred A. Knopf ([September 27, 1945])

  • Date: [September 27, 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: The Dobkin Family Collection of Feminism, New York, NY

Alfred A. Knopf (February 24 [1945])

  • Date: February 24 [1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: The Dobkin Family Collection of Feminism, New York, NY

Beatrix Mizer Florance ([December 11, 1945])

  • Date: [December 11, 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Drew University Library, Special Collections and Archives, Madison, NJ

Beatrix Mizer Florance (December 18 [1945])

  • Date: December 18 [1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Drew University Library, Special Collections and Archives, Madison, NJ

Beatrix Mizer Florance (January 19, 1945)

  • Date: January 19, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Beatrix Mizer Florance (June 6, 1945)

  • Date: June 6, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Beatrix Mizer Florance (May 16, 1945)

  • Date: May 16, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Beatrix Mizer Florance (October 30 [1945])

  • Date: October 30 [1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Drew University Library, Special Collections and Archives, Madison, NJ

Carl Jefferson Weber (January 10, 1945)

  • Date: January 10, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Colby College, Miller Library, Waterville, ME

Carl Jefferson Weber (January 31, 1945)

  • Date: January 31, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Colby College, Miller Library, Waterville, ME

Carrie Miner Sherwood ([June 1945])

  • Date: [June 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Carrie Miner Sherwood ([late May 1945])

  • Date: [late May 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Carrie Miner Sherwood (April 29 [1945])

  • Date: April 29 [1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Carrie Miner Sherwood (January 20, 1945)

  • Date: January 20, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Carrie Miner Sherwood (November 6 [1945])

  • Date: November 6 [1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Charles E. Cather ([December 14, 1945])

  • Date: [December 14, 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Archives & Special Collections, Lincoln, NE

Charles E. Cather ([March 14, 1945])

  • Date: [March 14, 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Archives & Special Collections, Lincoln, NE

Charles E. Cather (August 4, 1945)

  • Date: August 4, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Archives & Special Collections, Lincoln, NE

Charles E. Cather (December 26 [1945])

  • Date: December 26 [1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Archives & Special Collections, Lincoln, NE

Charles E. Cather (November 21, 1945)

  • Date: November 21, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Archives & Special Collections, Lincoln, NE

Charles E. Cather (October 3, 1945)

  • Date: October 3, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Archives & Special Collections, Lincoln, NE

Elizabeth Cather Ickis (February 8, 1945)

  • Date: February 8, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Archives & Special Collections, Lincoln, NE

Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant ([December 1945])

  • Date: [December 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Morgan Library and Museum, New York, NY

Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant (February 5 [1945])

  • Date: February 5 [1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Morgan Library and Museum, New York, NY

Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant (November 21, 1945)

  • Date: November 21, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Morgan Library and Museum, New York, NY

Elizabeth Wolfe Huffmann (June 13, 1945)

  • Date: June 13, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: National Willa Cather Center, Red Cloud, NE

Fanny Butcher (April 19, 1945)

  • Date: April 19, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Newberry Library, Chicago, IL

Fanny Butcher (January 31, 1945)

  • Date: January 31, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Newberry Library, Chicago, IL

Felicia Geffen (November 3, 1945)

  • Date: November 3, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather | Sarah J. Bloom
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York, NY

Ferris Greenslet (August 23, 1945)

  • Date: August 23, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Archives & Special Collections, Lincoln, NE

Ferris Greenslet (February 26, 1945)

  • Date: February 26, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Harvard University, Houghton Library, Cambridge, MA

Ferris Greenslet (January 24, 1945)

  • Date: January 24, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Harvard University, Houghton Library, Cambridge, MA

Ferris Greenslet (January 3 [1945])

  • Date: January 3 [1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather | Sarah J. Bloom
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Harvard University, Houghton Library, Cambridge, MA

Ferris Greenslet (January 31, 1945)

  • Date: January 31, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Harvard University, Houghton Library, Cambridge, MA

Ferris Greenslet (March 20, 1945)

  • Date: March 20, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Harvard University, Houghton Library, Cambridge, MA

Ferris Greenslet (May 9, 1945)

  • Date: May 9, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Harvard University, Houghton Library, Cambridge, MA

Ferris Greenslet (October 30, 1945)

  • Date: October 30, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, New Haven, CT

Harriet Fox Whicher (January 31, 1945)

  • Date: January 31, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Morgan Library and Museum, New York, NY

Houghton Mifflin Co. (September 28, 1945)

  • Date: September 28, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Harvard University, Houghton Library, Cambridge, MA

Irene Miner Weisz ([December 17, 1945])

  • Date: [December 17, 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Newberry Library, Chicago, IL

Irene Miner Weisz ([January 4, 1945])

  • Date: [January 4, 1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Newberry Library, Chicago, IL

Irene Miner Weisz (January 6, 1945)

  • Date: January 6, 1945
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Newberry Library, Chicago, IL

Irene Miner Weisz (October 22 [1945])

  • Date: October 22 [1945]
  • Creator(s): Willa Cather
  • Category: Writings
  • Source: Newberry Library, Chicago, IL